  • 學位論文


A Study of Lifestyle and Purchasing Behavior for Market Segmentation – An Example of Masculine Skincare

指導教授 : 黃志文
共同指導教授 : 張俊惠


隨著時代的變革,愛美已經不再是女人的專利,新時代的男性不僅在乎內在涵養,也重視外在的表徵,從衣著服飾到髮型設計,現在更把注意力放在肌膚的保養上。台灣男性保養品市場,雖然保養風氣已開,並有不少廠商陸續推出男性專用清潔保養品,但還是在一個起步階段,一般能接受的屬基礎保養的洗臉產品。即使現在男性保養品的市場需求量日益增多,也有多家品牌推出產品,但國內針對男性保養品的市場研究並不多,想要更深入了解有怎樣特質的男性會購買此產品,其市場要如何區隔,發現缺乏此類研究資料。本研究之動機是想瞭解男性保養品之市場區隔,不同生活型態的族群是否有不同的基本特色,不同生活型態的族群在購買行為上是否有差異存在。 故研究對象會界定為男性,且要有購買能力且有使用過男性清潔用品者,因此,年齡界定在19歲以上、42歲以下,學生或上班族為主。本研究採用問卷調查的方法,其問卷內容含購買行為分析、資訊來源、生活型態及人口統計變數。 所得之研究結果如下:(一)男性清潔保養品市場生活型態構面與生活型態認知有顯著差異:本研究將集群根據生活型態的不同區分為以下幾群:口碑、功能/訊息關心群;自信活躍群;獨立自主群。(二)不同年齡層所表現出的生活型態有些許不同。口碑、功能/訊息關心群年齡層較低;自信活躍群屬於26~30歲的中間年齡層;至於獨立自主群主要年齡層為較年長者。至於其他變數,則無顯著差異。(三)在購買行為中的通路使用情形、購買頻率、平均購買金額、使用頻率、購買對象及產品重覆使用方面,皆不會因為生活型態的不同而有顯著差異的存在。唯一有差異存在的是訊息來源的不同,收音機廣告對於口碑、功能/訊息關心群和獨立自主群比自信活躍群較有影響力;就報紙、雜誌廣告而言,對於口碑、功能/訊息關心群就比對獨立自主群較有影響力;就公車、戶外廣告而言,對自信活躍群比對獨立自主群較有影響力;就親友告知而言,口碑、功能/訊息關心群比獨立自主群更能接納其意見。


Along with the time transformation, it is no longer woman's right to look pretty. The new times men not only care about the intrinsic cultivation but also pay much attention to appearance from clothing to hairstyle. Now they put attention in the skin maintenance. Although the maintenance atmosphere has opened and there are many merchants to promote masculine special-purpose clean skincare one after another, but Taiwan masculine skincare market is still in the initial stage. People generally can accept the foundation maintenance such as face cleaner. Even if the present masculine skincare market demand increases day by day and there are many brands to promote the products, but it is hardly found masculine skincare marketing research in domestic. It lacks this kind of researches if people want to know the market segmentation and special characteristics for purchasing behavior. The purpose of this study is to find out market segmentation, whether different lifestyles have different characteristics or purchasing behaviors. Therefore, the study object can limit to a male who has purchase ability, used experience and the age limits below 19 years old and up to 42 years old. The students or office workers are primary. This study uses the questionnaire which contains purchasing behavioral analysis, information originates, lifestyle and population statistics. Obtained findings are as follows: (1) Lifestyle construction in masculine clean skincare market and lifestyle cognition reveals the difference. This research separates people in different lifestyles into three groups. They are Reputation, Valve and News consideration group; Self-confident and Active group; Independent group. (2) Disparities in age level display different lifestyles. The age level of reputation, valve and news consideration group is lower. The self-confident and active group belongs to 26~30 year-old middle age level. The age of independent group represents senior level. As for other variables, it reveals no difference. (3) In the purchasing behavior, different lifestyles have no different existence among the channel, the purchase frequency, the average purchase amount, the frequency of use, the purchase object and the product repetition use aspect. The only difference is the source of information. The radio advertisement regarding the reputation, valve and news consideration group and the independent group is more influential than the self-confident and active group. As to newspaper and magazine advertisement, it is more influential on the reputation, valve and news consideration group than the independent group. As to bus and outdoors advertisement, it is more influential on self-confident active group than the independent group. As to the advice from relatives and friends, the reputation, valve and news consideration group is more able to accept other’s opinions than independent group.


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