  • 學位論文


Analysis of The Same-sex Marriage Issue in Taiwan: Changes in Public Opinion and Influential Factors

指導教授 : 林聰吉


2016年10月16日法籍臺大教授畢安生墜樓身故,關於他和他35年同性伴侶的故事,隨後在媒體及網路上傳開,臺灣社會再次開始對於同性婚姻合法化問題的討論。我國爭取同性婚姻合法化的相關論述,近年來已經成為公開談論的議題,象徵臺灣社會逐漸正視同性戀者相關權益的保障。在此期間,新聞媒體都曾針對民眾是否支持同性婚姻來進行民意調查,社會大眾對於同性婚姻議題的意見,呈現出贊成或反對的兩極化論述,卻未為對民眾支持或是反對的理由來深入探討。本文的研究目的,即是希望藉由過往對於同性戀態度與同性婚姻議題的相關文獻,來瞭解臺灣同性婚姻議題的形成以及支持或是反對同性婚姻議題者的相關特質,並提出研究問題,究竟什麼樣的因素會影響民眾支持或反對同性婚姻? 本文首先檢閱以往之相關文獻,將可能造成影響的因素分為人口變項與態度變項兩大類,並且運用卡方檢定與二元勝算對數來分析台灣民眾對同性婚姻的影響因素。研究結果顯示,民眾的性別、年齡、教育程度、宗教信仰以及政黨傾向,皆為影響民眾對於同性婚姻支持與否的重要指標。相反地,居住地區的都市化程度並非為影響民眾支持或反對同性婚姻之因素。其中又以女性、年輕族群、教育程度高、無宗教信仰以及政黨傾向為泛綠者最有可能表達對於同性婚姻的支持。


A retired National Taiwan University (NTU) French language and literature lecturer fell to his death from the top floor of a 10-story building in Taipei on Sunday. The story about Picoux’s partner, with whom he lived for 35 years. However, Picoux’s personal tragedy generated such public sympathy. The relevant arguments for the legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan have become an open topic in recent years, symbolizing that the society is gradually facing the protection of homosexual rights. During this period, the news media have conducted public opinion surveys on whether the people support same-sex marriage. The public's opinions on the issue of same-sex marriage show a polarized discussion of approval or opposition. The purpose of this paper is to understand the formation of homosexual marriage issues in Taiwan and to explore what factors affect people's support or opposition to same-sex marriages through domestic and foreign literature on homosexual attitudes and same-sex marriage issues. This paper divides the possible factors into two categories: demographic variables and attitude variables, and uses the chi-square test and the binary odds to analyze the factors affecting the same-sex marriage in Taiwan. The study findings as gender, age,education, religious, party inclinations of the people are important indicators that influence the support of the same-sex marriage. Conversely, the degree of urbanization is not a factor that influences popular support or opposition to same-sex marriage. It is concluded that women, younger, higher education, not religious, and pan-green identifiers be the most likely to express support for same-sex marriage.


