  • 學位論文


To discuss the Sequel of Pilgrimage to the West --- The change of the subject , character and new type to build up

指導教授 : 林保淳


在前人研究的成果中,將《西遊記》續書做一整體性的研究十分地缺乏,而續書對於原書而言可視為一種跨越時代的對話,探討續書對於原書詮釋之變化,在舊有的模式下,續書所開展與建立出何種新風貌,因此將續書做一整體的脈討來研究甚為重要。 本篇論文將從《西遊記》續書中人物的組合、妖怪變化、取經母題、諷剌類型的確立四個方向進行討論,從而了解《西遊記》續書在歷時的發展下,將原書的精神加以轉化,從而發展出續書的諷剌精神,此是本篇論文所要探討的目的。討論的重點如下: (一)從取經人物組合上來看,觀察取經/取解人物中,其人導者地位的升降,從而探討作者如此安排之寓意。 (二)就續書中所出現的妖怪來看,妖怪的出現與心的關係,從緊密結合至毫無關係,從心、機心等而生妖,至妖魔趁社會亂象興風作浪而至完全地退位消失,由此一演變,作者在續寫過程中,其關心的焦點為何。 (三)就取經母題來討論,明清三部續書從取經母題做一增強與補充後,而清末出現的續書主題上大大地轉向,繼起的是將關懷的重心向外擴及整個世俗界,關懷的面向從個人外擴至社會問題,主題關懷的轉變呈現的之意含。 (四)從「嬉笑怒罵」風格來探討,三部明清時期的續書,將《西遊記》嬉笑怒罵的諷喻意味進行了極大的發揮與誇張,但諷剌卻非續書作者們的主題,故只能言其具有諷剌意味之作品。而晚清至民國的續書作品,諷剌意含已成為全書之主題,作者更是直接藉著續書的創作,傳遞其諷世之思想,故可歸於諷剌小說之作品,進而確立了諷剌的類型。


Attempts by scholars to compose a complete study of Pilgrimage to the West’s later adaptations have been severely lacking. The original text and these later adaptations represent a dialogue between various eras. Scholars have often analyzed changes in the original Journey to the West’s interpretations. Stylistically similar to earlier versions, later adaptations of the novel have developed and established certain new literary styles. Therefore, this thesis will organize a thorough and necessary analysis. This thesis, therefore, will discuss character groupings, monster transformations, satirical elements, as well as the topic of sutra transfer. By looking at textual developments in Journey to the West, readers can understand changes in mood and satirical style, which is the overall objective of the thesis. The thesis will address the following principal points: 1.By examining the relationship between characters and up-and-down changes to advisors’ positions, the thesis will analyze the authors’ organization and metaphorical significance. 2.By looking at the emergence of monsters in the work—particularly the influence of monsters on human sentiment—the thesis will focus on the proximity of relationships, on the expression of inner monsters, on how social crises create monstrous effects and on how monsters are overcome in writing process. 3.Through investigating the issue of “sutra transfer,” the thesis will look at changes made to the original document during the Ming and Qing dynasties. At the end of the Qing dynasty, the adaptations’ featured various changes to the main topic of the works. The works were more concerned with everyday life: The adaptations focused particular attention on social problems, starting from individual issues to greater social concerns. 4.By examining the style of “teasing and scolding,” the thesis will look at how the Ming and Qing adaptations exaggerate earlier satirical aspects; however, satire here is not the most important part of these works. Adaptations from the late Qing to the early Republic period all maintain satire and irony as the most important elements in these works. The authors in these novels expressed a satirical take on pedestrian life; therefore, it is possible to place them alongside other satirical novels and, thus, establish a new type of satirical work.




