  • 學位論文


The Study of Mutual Fund Managers’ Human Capital and Mutual Fund Performance and Expense in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝宜樺


隨著基金市場越來越成熟,共同基金已成為許多人投資理財的工具,而在眾多的基金中如何選擇合適的投資標的,便是一項中重要的議題,本研究以國外之文獻為主,並從人力資本的角度出發,配合學者所提出之人力資本衡量指標,探討基金經理人之人力資本對於基金績效及費用的影響程度。 本研究之樣本為國內之股票型基金,研究期間為92年至96年,總計5年之資料,研究變數包含基金經理人之學歷、經驗、任期及性別,基金之規模、費用、周轉率及管理費。以共同基金淨值報酬率為主要之基金績效指標,並套入迴歸式中。同時並將股票型基金依投資標的之不同再次細分成7種類型。 依據本研究之實證結果,基金經理人之經驗與性別跟基金績效呈顯著負向影響,基金經理人之學歷與性別跟基金費用呈顯著正向影響,基金經理人之經驗與費用呈顯著負向影響。


With more and more mature mutual funds market, mutual funds has become an investment tool for many people. In a large number of funds, how to choose an appropriate investment target is an important issue. According to the foreign literature, this study starting from the aspect of human capital and coping with the academics measurement of human capital, to discuss the influence of fund manager's human capital toward mutual fund performance and expense. The samples of this study are domestic equity fund, the research period has 5 years from 2003 to 2007, the research variables including the mutual fund manager's qualifications, experience, tenure and gender, fund size, expense, turnover and management fees. Then, uses the net returns of the mutual funds as the main performance indicators and sets into the regression formula. At the same time, this study subdivided domestic equity funds into seven different types according to the subject of investment. Based on the empirical results of this study, the fund manager's experience and gender has significant negative effect on the mutual funds performance. The fund manager’s education and gender has significant positive effect on the mutual funds expenses, the fund manager's experience has significant negative effect on the mutual funds expenses.


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