  • 學位論文

應用PPM理論探討行動通訊使用者之轉換意圖兼論轉換成本之調節效果 -以統一超商電信為例

Utilize PPM theory to explore the switching intention of mobile subscribers also on the moderating effect of switching cost: an example of 7-Mobile

指導教授 : 吳坤山 羅惠瓊


在台灣電信已呈現高度密合、同時三大電信業者已寡佔大部份消費區塊的情況下,過去也有許多二類電信業者甚至如家樂福等零售品牌試圖加入與三大電信競爭,但結果都不如預期。本研究採用Bgane(1969)所提出的PPM延伸理論模型(Push-Pull-Mooring Model),從推力效果(以滿意度與ARPU值為變數)、拉力效果(替代者吸引力為變數)與鎖住效果(轉換成本與慣性為變數)來分析各種變數與轉換意圖之間的交互影響作用,同時,也探討是否滿意度會受到轉換成本而對轉換意圖具有調節效果。以此來探討7-Mobile以一個電信市場的後進者,應該透過何種策略來提高電信既有用戶的轉換意圖。 本研究之對象為國內20歲以上擁有電信門號之民眾,總計回收樣本數為184份,扣除無效樣本1份後,實際有效樣本為183份。透過敘述性統計、信效度分析及結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)中之偏最小平方估計法(Partial Least Square, PLS)進行分析,其主要研究結果如下: 1. 替代者吸引力對轉換意圖有顯著的正向影響。 2. 轉換成本對轉換意圖有顯著的負向影響。 3. 慣性對轉換意圖有顯著的負向影響。 緣此,本研究建議7-Mobile應該從提高替代者吸引力著手,運用統一超商強大的通路資源提出有別於其他電信業者的促銷方案,同時,訴求的主力消費者該為鎖住效果較低的用戶,較易驅動消費者的轉換意圖。 關鍵詞:PPM理論模型、滿意度、替代者吸引力、轉換成本、慣性、轉換意圖


The penetrate rate in Taiwan’s telecom market is very high; in the meantime, the top 3 carriers already dominate major market. Despite there are several ISR (Internet Simple Reseller), such as: Carrefour tried to step into the market to compete with top 3 carriers, yet the result is not as their expectation. The study adopt PPM model (Push-Pull-Mooring Model), which released by Bgane in 1969. It utilizes push effect (customer satisfaction and ARPU as variables), pull effect (alternative attractiveness as variable), and mooring effect (switching cost and habit as variables) to analysis the interactive from different variables and switching intention. In addition, the study also would like to investigate the moderating effect of switching costs on the customer satisfaction and switching intention. Based on the research result, to provide strategic thinking for 7-Mobile, as the telecom industrial late mover, how to increase the switching intention towards the current users of top 3 carriers? The research target current telecom consumers, which aged 20 or over. There are 184 questionnaires were issue. After removed one invalid sample, 183 valid samples were collected. Except descriptive statistics, validity analysis, and reliability analysis, partial least square method was applied to examine the proposed research framework. After the empirical research, the major findings as follows: 1. Alternative attractiveness has significant positive influence on switching intention. 2. Switching cost has significant negative influence on switching intention. 3. Habit has significant negative influence on switching intention. Hence, the research suggests 7-Mobile should emphasis on how to increase alternative attractiveness, take advantage form 7-ELEVEN’s comprehensive channel resources to offer differential promotion campaign compare with other competitors. In the meantime, it should focus on those low loyalty consumers as their mooring effect weaker and more easy to increase switching intention.


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