  • 學位論文


The Renewable Energy and the Development of Brazil during the Government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

指導教授 : 白方濟


在1992年在巴西舉行的地球高峰會議之後,「永續發展」這個名詞經過媒體的報導,已逐漸成為眾人琅琅上口的用語,永續發展也逐漸成為人類共同的願景。但如何能達到永續發展的理想,目前卻仍無定論,不過我們可以看到的是,聯合國推動二十一世紀議程的腳步加快,跨科技的學術性研究團隊也陸續形成,有越來越多的地方政府與社區團體成立相關的永續發展推動委員會,積極地推動永續發展的理念,同時更透過實際的行動方案朝永續發展的理想邁進。 巴西位於南美洲,擁有廣大的土地面積與豐富的物產資源。1975年爆發石油危機,巴西國內油價市場受到大幅度的波動,為此巴西展開了一連串開發生質酒精的政策,超過30年的努力,巴西已達成減少對進口能源的依賴,並改變國內使用能源的結構且致力達成京都議定書的減碳排放量,為國家的農業帶來發展而成為各國仿效的對象。又因擁有廣大的亞馬遜雨林與龐大的水流量,其水力發電總量更高居世界前三位,僅次於加拿大與中國,為了提供更多的電力,巴西政府通過了美山水壩建造法案,於欣古河建造水壩以提供給巴西南部工廠及居民足夠的電力。 然而,儘管打著「永續發展」這項口號,卻對當地原住民部落及雨林造成嚴重濫墾濫伐,另外也造成國內農業趨向單一作物進而對土壤嚴重破壞。本論文以研究巴西再生能源發展為主軸,以社會、經濟、環境等三項要素來檢視巴西是否已達成真正的「永續發展」。


After 1992 the global summit in Brazil, “sustainable development” was widely reported by the media and became a term can be seen each corner of the world, and it is also turning into a wide-spreading phrase and a goal to pursue in our lives. But how to reach it till now we can’t find a best way to get it, however, we can see now that United Nations (UN) spares no efforts to speed up to reach this dream and there are more and more Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) trying to step in “sustainable development” by more active action. Brazil has vast amount of land area and also natural resources. In 1975 break out oil crisis, its oil domestic market had been affected gravely, thus, the government figured out a series of politics to develop ethanol. After more than 30 years, Brazil now reached the standard of carbon emission of Kyoto Protocol and bring structural change of its domestic agriculture, and nowadays Brazil has become a country that every country try to learn from its experience. Besides, Brazil has abundant water resources and its total hydroelectricity take third place in the world. In order to provide more electricity, the government of Brazil approved the scheme of the dam Belo Monte, and this scheme is aim to establish a dam in Xingu river to provide sufficient energy to southern habitants and plants. Nevertheless, with “sustainable development” this slogan, the renewable energy in Brazil still harmed the indigenous tribes and the deforestation of Amazon. Aside from it, monoculture could also make serious result to its land. This investigation tries to use three elements: social, economic, environmental to examine if Brazil has reached truly “sustainable development”.


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