  • 學位論文


The Strategy Analysis Of Taiwan Bank Operating In Mainland China At Post ECFA Era-A Case Study On Bank C

指導教授 : 林江峰


2010年9月12日兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)正式簽訂後,兩岸金融業往來終於有了正式法源根據,邁向正常化關係。臺資銀行也取得比外資銀行於中國大陸設立據點的優惠準入條件。由於臺灣銀行業早已呈現過飽和現象,銀行競爭激烈,利潤微薄,ECFA簽署後,為臺灣銀行業帶來無限希望和想像空間。各銀行業者無不制訂最佳營運策略,卯足全力,全力搶進中國大陸市場,期能拔得頭籌,創造佳績。 本研究係採用文獻分析法,首先探討臺資、外資及中資銀行於中國大陸經營概況。其次分析臺資銀行大陸經營策略,及面對困境與挑戰時,所採取因應對策。最後以個案C銀行為例,探討C銀行在中國大陸營營運策略,並以SWOT分析 C銀行在中國大陸營運的優勢(Strength)、劣勢(Weakness)、機會(Opportunity)及威脅(Threat)。最後提供研究建議,作為C銀行及臺資銀行前進中國大陸市場制訂營運策略之參考。 本研究發現,臺資銀行營運初期多以設立分行為其主要營運策略,並以臺商為主要客源,然而這並非長久之計。未來臺資銀行如欲在中國大陸金融市場永續經營,必須充份瞭解當地主管機關規定,利用各項政策性獎勵、優惠條件,作為營運佈點的優先考量。更須要擬定將來中長期營運策略,設立子行、參股陸資銀行、加強與中、外資銀行策略聯盟等都是可以考慮的方向。兩岸金融業必須由競爭關係轉為合作關係,彼此相輔相成,才能共創雙贏局面。


MOU ECFA 外資銀行 經營策略 競爭策略


After Taiwanese banks officially signed ECFA on September 12, 2010, they have obtained a greater advantage in establishing network than other foreign banks in mainland China. Since the influence of overbanking here,Taiwanese banks are suffering acute competition and low returns. With ECFAsigned, they are looking forward to having great benefit in the futher.Therefore, many Taiwanese banks have mustered their efforts to enter the Chinese mainland market with hopes to achieve early success. Through documentary analysis, this study first reviews Taiwanese banks, foreign banks and Chinese banks' operation in mainland China. Then,We analyzes Taiwanese banks' operational strategy in China and how they face obstacles and challenges.Following a case study of bank C’sration in China through SWOT analysis.And finally,we try to make suggestion for bankC’s and other Taiwanese banks’operational strategies to enter the mainland Chinese market. This study has found that in the beginning,Taiwanese banks to prefer to establish brance as their strategy, and focus mainly on Taiwan business unit. However, it would not be work for the long run.In order for Taiwanese banks to operate in China for the long run, they must fully understand the local regulation and utilize all incentives for making decision for new business location allocate. In addition, they need to establish mid-term or even long term operation plans, such as establish facilitate,enhance strategic alliance with local banks in China and foreign banks, and achieve win-win situation by shifting from competitive relationship into cooperative relationship


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