  • 學位論文

日本品牌服飾在臺灣代理商經營策略之研究 -以tutuanna為例

The Research on Management Strategy of Japanese Brand Clothes’ Taiwanese Agents—A case of tutuanna

指導教授 : 林江峰


服飾業屬於高度競爭的產業,服飾品牌全球化經營策略已成趨勢,多元化的產品與通路成為一個成功品牌的關鍵因素。代理商面對新品牌代理時,如何引領品牌,深耕市場並建構與各渠道與消費者的關係,成為了主要課題。代理商需制訂完善的經營策略,才能創造出更大利益市場之經營。 本研究為質性個案研究法,以日本品牌服飾tutuanna在臺灣代理商為個案研究,透過文獻探討、相關資料蒐集瞭解臺灣服飾業發展及介紹服飾零售業市場上相關品牌經營現狀況。針對個案公司提出SWOT分析、五力分析及給予未來經營策略之建議。


Clothing industry is highly competitive. Global Management strategy is now a trend. Diversified products and distribution channels have become a key factor to a successful brand. When agents meet a new brand, how to lead the brand, explore the market and develop its relationship with all access and consumers is the main issue. Agents should set up perfect management strategy so that they can create more profits as well as increase market shares. The research performs a case study. The research on management strategy of Japanese Brand Clothes’ tutuanna in Taiwanese Agents. Through reviewing literature and collecting relative information and documents, we get to understand more about Taiwan’s development on clothing industry. Then the research introduces the nowadays situation of the market of relevant brand clothes retailers. The research not only provides SWOT analysis but also gives a structural analysis with the five forces of this company, and will finally give suggestions on future management strategies.


6. 陳秀泰(1996),國外品牌服飾代理商經營策略分析,中原大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
7. 陳昭穎(2000),國內廠商品牌授權與代理之決策研究,國立政治大學企業管理學系碩士論文。
16. 鍾俊豪(2014), 品牌形象及知覺價值影響消費者購買快速流行品牌服飾意願之研究 - 以台北市大學學生為例,交通大學經營管理研究所。
4. 臺灣經濟研究院產經資料庫 http://tie.tier.org.tw/
