  • 學位論文


How trust in certification marks and the level of information disclosure influence the implementation of the food tracebility system

指導教授 : 蕭瑞祥


近年來食安事件不斷,重創台灣食品業及消費者的信心,因此建立可詳細記錄追蹤食品從生產製銷售軌跡的食品履歷制度,對國內的食品安全議題是刻不容緩的。本研究透過問卷調查,探討台灣區的消費者對於加工食品業者推行履歷查詢系統與提升食品安全之間的認知,並進一步探討食品履歷查詢系統資訊揭露程度及食品標章的取得,與履歷查詢系統推行之關係。 研究結果顯示國內消費者對於食品履歷查詢系統的使用度不高,仍屬於待推廣階段,但消費者對於食品業者推行履歷查詢系統表示肯定;「資訊揭露程度」、「標章制度信任」、「感知到易用度」對於對食品履歷查詢系統的使用意圖並無正向的影響,而「感知到可用度」、「食品安全意識」對食品履歷查詢系統的使用態度及意圖則有正向的影響。 在消費者深入訪談中,瞭解到消費者對於掃描QR Code後需再輸入批號資訊感到困擾,建議未來系統能再精進將產品批號資訊放入QR Code裡,加速查詢效率;履歷查詢系統可多提供加值服務如:產品及原物料相關知識學習及電子折價券下載,亦可提高系統使用意願。本研究結果可做為未來其他食品公司推行食品履歷查詢系統推行參考及修正依據。


While food safety incidents in recent years have severely undermined Taiwan consumers' faith in food manufacturers, the need to establish a food traceability system (FTS) to trace foods from farms to tables has become desperate. This study thus investigated the consumer’s awareness of the correlations between FTS and food safety improvement as well as between food information disclosures, food safety marks, and FTS implementation through surveys. This study found that despite the lack of awareness in consumers, and the fact that FTS is still in its infancy, consumers affirmed FTS implementation. The level of information disclosure, brand confidence, and the perceived ease of use had no positive effect on the intention of FTS use, while the perceived availability of FTS and food safety awareness have positive effect on the attitude and intention of FTS use. During the in-depth interview, the consumers are troubled by required to key in lot number and related information after scanning QR Code. The future systems shall embed product lot information in QR codes to speed up query efficiency. The value-added services such as: products and raw materials related knowledge and electronic discount coupons to download, can also improve the utilization of FTS. These findings can provide reference for food manufacturers to implement and revise their FTS in the future.


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