  • 學位論文


Research into business of LINE APP: To analyze the behavior of consumers with 'AISAS'

指導教授 : 陳玉鈴


隨著智慧型手機的普及,媒體形態與消費者的使用行為也跟著轉型,其中通訊軟體儼然已成為消費者生活的一部份,目前在台灣通訊軟體的使用,普遍以 「LINE」為主,因此本研究以「LINE」為研究案例,將其商業行為分為兩類,其一是「LINE貼圖」,為產品販售行為之案例;其二是「LINE企業官方帳號」,為行銷宣傳行為之案例,探討消費者對於以上兩者的消費行為,最後再以信任感及使用習慣的個人差異,進階解釋消費者之間的行為差別,研究目的欲從消費者的角度,瞭解在面對通訊軟體中的商業資訊時,實際的消費行為為何,將使用問卷調查法,以AISAS消費者行為模式與信任模式作為理論基礎,探討企業主投放成本至通訊軟體的實質宣傳效益︒ 經過研究數據分析後,本研究認為LINE的確是具有商業效益,但其產品必須創造消費者的「使用必需特質」,才能成就高度的效益,經由調查數據顯示,結果發現:(1)對於LINE貼圖,消費者大多保持高度注意與興趣,消費行為也很積極,但分享的意願較低,而研究發現消費者在使用LINE時的功能體驗愈良好愈能提升消費行為︒(2)對於LINE企業官方帳號,消費者的行為目前大多到於注意這個行為,此也應證官方帳號具備曝光成效,如此效果可用於新品牌之宣傳手法,而研究也發現,良好的功能設計能夠讓消費者更願意對官方帳號行使消費行為︒(3)消費者在使用LINE的習慣與對其之信任感,兩者為相輔相成之關係,使用習慣與信任感為互相正向影響,因此增加消費者的信任感與使用率便能有效提升消費行為的產生︒根據以上研究結果,整合出本研究貢獻,就學術層面而言,探究消費者在新媒體環境下,有別以往的消費行為變化 ; 就實務層面而言,提供業界更瞭解消費者的操作行為,而能達到更好的行銷效益︒


AISAS模式 LINE 信任感 使用習慣


Currently, the most of using rate communication application in Taiwan is the software which is called ‘ LINE’. Therefore, these is doing researches from the communication application ‘LINE’ and separating the commerce behavior. One part is ‘LINE Sticker’ the case is the behavior for the product sale. The other part is ‘Official Account’ which is the behavior for the promotion sale. These is doing the research from the consumers who are not in the same sale level. I look into the trust model and personal operation and trying to explain what different between the consumers. These is followed by the Questionnaire Survey, which is according to the AISAS consumer’s behavior and trust model theory, to discuss the effectiveness of cost for publicizing the communication application from the enterprise owner. After analyzing the data, it can be found that 'LINE' definitely has the commercial benefit, but its product must create for the costumers 'the use of essential characteristic'. So it can make to the achievement . According to the research, the data indicate that: (1)As for ‘LINE Sticker’, most consumers keep high attention and interest, but the willingness to share is quite low. This research has found that consumers in the use of ‘LINE’ .When it can provide the better functional experience, it can raise the result of buying. (2)As for ‘LINE Official Account’, consumers now only notice the behavior, but the ‘LINE Official Account’ actually has the effect for exposing. This research has found that, the good function design can let the consumer be willing to spend their money on it . (3)The relation between consumers in the use of ‘LINE’ habits and trust is the two positive impact, so increase consumer trust and use rate can effectively enhance the production of consumer behavior. According to the results of the research. I integrate the contribution of the research.


AISAS LINE Trust model Usage habit


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