  • 學位論文


The Strategies and Qualifications of Vietnam in Attracting Foreign Direct Investments

指導教授 : 蔡青龍


自1986年革新政策以來,投資越南的外國企業逐漸增加,目前在東協發展中國家裡,已成為吸收外國直接投資金額最多的國家之一。但改革開放初期,越南獲得的FDI金額並不高,直至近幾年,金額才有顯著增長。為釐清原因,本人研究越南近20年投資環境的轉變狀況,及其中央政府在招商與改善投資環境方面的策略。本文引用Kojina與Ozawa的總體經濟方法(1973、1979)、Vernon(1966)的產品生命週期理論,及Dunning與Narula的投資發展歷程(1973、1979)進行分析。總體經濟方法與產品生命週期理論,可解釋企業需將生產線遷移至製造成本較低的海外地區,及被投資國在吸引外資方面需存在的條件;投資發展歷程為說明國家發展程度,對資本流入與流出的影響原因。本研究在方法上,採取量化次級資料分析法,與質化次級資料分析法。藉由客觀統計數字,與各領域的人文活動,全面性地探討越南吸引外資的條件及策略。 研究發現:一、越南擁有充沛年輕勞動力、工資較低廉、天然資源豐富,因此存在被投資的基本條件。但早期受限於整體經商環境較不成熟,投資風險偏高,以致無法獲得高額外資。二、政治社會環境在東南亞發展中國家裡較為穩定,特別於亞洲金融風暴後,此條件更具招商優勢;越南也不斷發展國內各項基礎建設,健全法律與制度面;近年正逢中國經濟崛起,河內政府與之合作,提高國家招商競爭力。由於內部投資環境與對外關係持續改善,近期越南始獲得較多海外投資金額。三、金融風暴導致東南亞許多發展中國家投資環境惡化,但越南由於受創程度較周邊國家低,並迅速恢復穩定,促使越南吸引外資的比較優勢提升,增加外國企業選擇投資越南的機會。


越南 外國直接投資 東協 東南亞


Since the Innovation policy in 1986, the number of foreign corporations investing in Vietnam has gradually increased. It has now become one of the countries in ASEAN that attracts the highest amount of foreign direct investments. However, early in the Reform and Opening-Up Policy, Vietnam did not get a lot of foreign direct investments. It was only till recent years that the amount has noticeably increased. To this end, I have analyzed the changes in investment trends of the last 20 years in Vietnam, and the strategies that the central government used to improve the image of investment potential in Vietnam, through changes in recruitment companies and others. References will be made to Kojina and Ozawa’s Macroeconomic approach (1973 & 1979), Vernon’s Product Life Cycle Theory (1966), and Dunning and Narula’s Investment Development Path (1973 & 1979) for analysis purposes. Both Macroeconomic approach and product life cycle theory can explain why corporations needed to move the production line to a place with lower manufacturing cost, which is a key in countries like Vietnam to attracting foreign investors. Investment Development Path explains the level of a country’s development, and the influence in capital flow. This thesis takes on the approach of quantitative and qualitative secondary data analyses. Through the examination of statistical numbers and various human affairs in the country, I will present a comprehensive analysis of the strategies and qualifications of Vietnam in attracting foreign investments. This thesis will present the following points of discussion: 1. Vietnam offers two advantages: a young energetic labor force with relatively low labor costs, and a land with high amounts of natural resources. Both of these are basic qualifications for drawing foreign investments. Although at the beginning, the business environment in Vietnam as a whole was not yet fully established, and bears high investment risks; therefore, it did not receive a high amount of foreign investments. 2. The political and social environments of Vietnam is one of the most stable ones out of the developing countries in Southeast Asia; this becoming more apparent especially after the Asian financial crisis. Vietnam has been continually developing its infrastructure, solidifying its legal system and administration. In recent years, since the economy of China has taken off, Hanoi government has been working in partnership with China in order to increase its own competitiveness in attracting foreign businesses. Because of the continual improvements made in the domestic investment environment, and its diplomatic relationships with other countries, Vietnam has been receiving more foreign investments. 3. After the financial crisis that afflicted Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam has proven itself to be one of the least affected countries, thereby increasing its competitive edge in attracting foreign corporations.


Dunning, John H,1980, “Towards an eclectic theory of international
Fforde, Adam F. and Anthony Goldstone,1995,“The starting point”.pp.20-29.in:Vietnam to 2005 advancing on all fronts.London:The Economist Intelligence Unit.
