  • 學位論文


The influence of price discount and restricted promotion on perceivedquality and purchase intention,

指導教授 : 曾忠蕙


隨著時代的演進,促銷的手法也不斷地推陳出新,市面上有許許多多的促銷活動,在仔細比對之後,不難發現有些促銷活動是很類似的,本研究特地從常見的促銷活動中選出「打五折」與「加一元多一件」來探討,並且將「限時促銷」和「限量促銷」也納入考量範圍當中,以「人格特質-嚴謹性」及「產品購買頻率」為干擾變數,衡量消費者對商品的「知覺品質」、「購買件數」會否有顯著的差異。 本研究的受試者為台北某大專院校大學部及研究所學生,經問卷前測後,選取日常生活中較常見的洗面乳與髮膠為實驗產品,而後將正式問卷設計成八組,分別具備兩種的促銷活動,再將問卷打散,分發予受測者進行實驗,用以判斷該受測者之人格特質-嚴謹性傾向,以及對產品的知覺品質,和商品的購買件數。 經後續假設驗證,發現消費者面對「加一元多一件」的促銷活動時,其知覺品質與購買件數與「打五折」的促銷活動有顯著差異,而「限制性促銷」在此處的效果並不明顯,「人格特質-嚴謹性」和「產品種類」在打五折與加一元多一件時對商品的購買件數具有干擾的效果,但在知覺品質方面並不具有顯著地差異。


With the evolution of marketing strategies, the way of promotion keeps constantly innovative. Although some promotional activities in market are similar, it is not sure whether their effects are the same. In order to discuss this topic, this study specifically chooses two promotional types-- “fifty % off” and “one more dollar, get another piece” from the common promotional activities. In addition, “limited-time promotion” and “limit-quality promotion” are also included into consideration. Moreover, “personality traits – conscientiousness” and “purchase frequency” are the moderators of the study to measure if there are significant difference in “perceived-quality” or “purchase intention”. Subjects of this study are undergraduate and graduate collage students in Taipei. By the pre-test, we select two product as the experimental products—cleaner and hair gel. The formal experiment is designed into eight groups respectively with 2 (promotional type) x 2 (limit-time or limit-quality) x 2 (purchase frequency). The formal questionnaire was designed to measure “personality traits – conscientiousness” , “perceive-quality” and “purchase intention”. After the hypothesis testing, we found promotional type (ie.“one more dollar, get another piece” and “fifty % off”) showed a significant different effect on perceive-quality” and “purchase intention.” But, there was no difference in the effect of “limited-time promotion” and “limit-quality promotion”. Even “personality traits – conscientiousness” and “purchase frequency” both showed moderating effect between promotional type (ie. “one more dollar, get another piece” and “fifty % off”) and purchase intention.


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陳麗妃(2017)。APP品質認知對消費者體驗價值的影響 -促銷活動與限制性促銷為干擾變數〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00027
