  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer Usage Intention toward Mobile Payment-UTAUT Model Perspective

指導教授 : 張俊惠


根據資策會(MIC)統計,2019年台灣行動支付的普及率高達62.2%,在支付業者及通路業者相繼投入及政府政策的支持下,繼續朝向2025年90%的普及率邁進,行動支付市場發展潛力不容小覷,但在快速成長的趨勢下,行動支付業者競爭也日趨白熱化,究竟哪些關鍵因素會增強消費者對使用行動支付之使用意圖,乃是行動支付業者都非常關切的議題。本研究將採用整合型科技接受模型(UTAUT)探討績效預期,努力預期,社會因素及促成條件是否會影響消費者對行動支付之使用意圖。本研究主要之研究目的有二,將探討在台灣行動支付市場中: 1. 績效預期、努力預期、社會因素及促成條件是否會顯著影響消費者對行動支付的使用意圖。 2. 績效預期及努力預期在影響台灣消費者對使用行動支付之意圖的過程中,態度是否扮演著重要中介角色。 本研究使用SPSS 22.0與LISREL 8.71做為資料分析之工具,透過結構方程模式分析來驗證,研究結果發現在台灣行動支付市場中,績效預期、努力預期及促成條件對行動支付之使用意圖具有顯著的影響力,而社會因素是沒有顯著影響力的;另外,在績效預期及努力預期影響行動支付之使用意圖的過程中,態度確實扮演著重要中介角色。


According to a research report of MIC, the penetration rate of mobile payments in Taiwan in 2019 is as high as 62.2%, and with lots of marketing efforts paid by the mobile payments service providers and the supported polices by government, the penetration rate will continue to move towards 90% in 2025. Competition among mobile payments market is getting more and more intense. What are the key factors that will enhance consumers' intention to use mobile payments is a matter of great concern to mobile payments service providers. This study employs the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to investigate what are the critical factors impact people to use mobile payments. Using SPSS 22.0 and LISREL 8.71 as data analysis tools, this study verifies that in Taiwan mobile payment market, performance expectancy, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions have significant influences on the consumers’ intention to use mobile payments. And consumers’ attitude toward mobile payments does play an important intermediate role affecting consumers’ intention to use mobile payments.


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