  • 學位論文


Share-Housing for New Farmers in Yilan

指導教授 : 劉綺文


感受在家鄉這片土地上社會經濟一窩蜂的投資,農地無法農用,建造在上面的是以農舍為名義的豪華別墅,買賣之間,將土地淪為交易的犧牲品,惡性循環下,土地價格居高不下,真正有心想要務農的新農反倒買不起田,種不了地。 原本傳統的農村景觀不復以往,加上老農的凋零,青年人的出走,傳統的大家庭逐漸消失,而慢慢遺忘家原本擁有凝聚情感的力量。農村所面臨的種種的問題,在此希望為農村注入新的活力,「互助生活」的集居觀念,目的在尋求一種新的群居模式,藉以改善生活所塑成人與人之間冷漠及疏離的現象,建造一個一起工作且共同居住的家庭,以非血緣和家人替代的關係共同住宅,在工作之餘,仍然保有家的溫暖,並以建築空間呈現。本研究探索如何從空間的安排來尋找家與工作之間的平衡,以及運用時間產生的變化來彈性調整格局,一個隨著人年紀增長而變化的家,讓人們能把以前大家庭記憶中的感動場所連結至現在,使「共同住宅」能夠發揮人與人之間―非血緣關係的家人替代與工作上勞力的互相幫忙;人與空間之間―大家一起共同享有這個家和工作的空間;空間與空間之間―家的空間與工作空間的連結。使共同住宅成為未來能對應社會上家庭結構改變、閒置空間再利用、工作與住家的結合。


共宅 新農 互助 閒置空間


The rush of the socio-economic investment in lands of my hometown, agricultural lands are not properly utilized as agricultural purposes. Instead, luxury houses in the name of farmhouse are built. Largely parts of agricultual lands are transforming into residential or commercial lands. Therefore, the price of agricultual lands are increasing year by year. To those who determine as farmers can not afford to buy farmlands. Nowadays traditional rural landscape are no longer the same. . The rural areas are facing many problems. Old farmers are less and younger people are moving out seeking for jobs. The traditional large families which has the function of linking family members together are gradually disappearing. Here by proposing a"mutual aid" concept of gathering dwellings is to instill new vitality of the rural areas. The purpose of the "mutual aid" concept of gathering dwellings is to seek a new social model which can alter the cold and alienated situation among people who live in this model. The construction of working together in cohabitation of the family, non - blood and the family to replace the relationship between the common residence, still keeping the warmth of home and the architectural space that is presented. This study explores how to achieve the balance between home and work from space design and arrangements. Through time changes, the pattern of design can also be flexibly adiusted. A home which can be modified according to a person aging and brings back the person living in a large family's memory. Amalgamated dwelling provides an cooperation of working enviroment among non-kinship families. Home spaces maintain privacy and working spaces link people together. Independency and cooperation are well balanced. This design of amalgamated dwelling offers a new dwelling structure for families. Re-utilizing idle spaces combines working spaces and home spaces.


Home Cohousing New farmers Cooperation Deserted spaces


4. 蔡宜芳,國立成功大學建築學系
5. 黃玉如,國立成功大學 外國語文學系研究所
7. 黃如珍,國立台北教育大學 台灣文化研究所
8. 沈孟穎、傅朝卿(104)。台灣「國民」住宅設計與現代住居空間再現。住宅學報,第二十四卷第一期學術論著,55—88。
10. Despres,C.(1991)The meaning of home:literature review and directions for future research and theoretical development. The Journal of Architectural and Planning Research,8(2),96-115

