  • 學位論文


The study of Foreign Direct Investment Total on Economic Development in Argentina in 1990's

指導教授 : 熊建成


二十世紀的90年代外國直接投資迅速發展,探究90年代外資流動大幅增加之因,最主要是因為大多國家開始採行新自由主義經濟政策,並對於FDI採取保護與提昇的措施;許多的開發中國家與轉變中經濟體降低了外國投資人進入當地產業的限制或是將先前對FDI限制與不開放的企業施予私有化。以拉丁美洲國家而言,由於80年代期間受到外債危機之影響,使得經濟嚴重衰退,並造成政治社會的動亂;各國決策者為振興經濟、穩定國內情勢,紛紛採取新自由主義之經濟政策,企圖以貿易、投資之自由化與市場管制的解除,吸引外資的流入,為國內的經濟發展提供資金的來源。 以阿根廷為例,1989年梅南上台後,隨即實施了一連串的新自由主義經濟改革方案,首先於1990年實施兌換計劃(Convertibility Plan),成功地穩定物價,擺脫80年代外債危機高通膨問題,並使得外資開始因經濟情勢的漸形穩定而再度流入阿根廷,緊接著1992年私有化政策的實行,又為阿根廷吸引了另一波外資的大量進入,透過官方收支帳的估計,外資的流入貫穿了整個90年代,促使阿根廷的資本帳呈現了正成長,而其國際準備也相對增加,顯示了外國直接投資對阿根廷經濟發展的重要性。 本篇論文將以新自由主義經濟思想的觀點,來探討外國直接投資對於阿根廷經濟發展所帶來的影響是否真能如理論預期的正面,並藉由探討過程來進一步地闡述梅南政府的主要經濟政策與跨國企業在阿根廷投資的策略與發展概況;同時探討這些策略對於阿根廷經濟發展產生了如何關聯性衝擊。 因此,論文的討論主要有幾個目的:一、了解實證及理論上對於外國直接投資的直接與間接影響,探討外國直接投資於90年代期間大量流入阿根廷,對於阿國的經濟發展有何實際影響?其影響效果是否如理論所預期?結果的不彰,原因何在?二、探討梅南政府在政策面上如何吸引外資?且引進外資動機的思潮又為何?其引進外資的政策為何能成功的造成其歷史上第三波外資潮流?而此90年代期間的外國直接投資的發展概況與投資策略又有何特色?三、剖析外國直接投資對於阿根廷總體經濟面與個體經濟面上的衝擊。根據理論歸納而言,外國直接投資對於資本形成、國際收支帳、外貿出口等皆有正面貢獻,然而為何阿根廷的貿易赤字卻不斷惡化?國內固定資本總投資額也未因外資大量流入而有明顯提升?外資的貢獻未如預期與阿國的經濟政策有何相互關連?外資的投資策略又有何影響?種種疑慮,希望能藉由本論文有更深入的了解。


Foreign Direct Investment has increased sharply during 1990’s in 20th century as most countries began to realize Neoliberlism economic policies and adapted a serious of incentive policies to encourage FDI’s inflow. Moreover, many developing countries and transition economies started to lower the limitation for FDI to enter in the local industries, meanwhile the authorities also privatilized some industries and sectors which were protected previously. In the Argetina’s case, president Menem had followed up the neoliberalism ,carrying out a series of neo-economic policies since 1989. His neo-economic revolution had started with the Convertibility plan in 1990 and the hyperinflation had been stabilized successfully while implementing the plan .Because of the much more stable economic situation in comparison to 1980’s , FDI had begun to return to Argentina, furthermore, another wave of FDI inflow was caused by the privatization policy which was taken place in 1992. The spectacular FDI inflow not only played a important role but also had a lot of impacts to the development of Argentina’s economy. The study would discuss how FDI affected the economic development in Argentina from the neoliberlism point. The Menem governments polices and the investing performance of transnational corporations would also be discussed in order to bring out all of the strategies related to the development of Argentina’s economy. Therefore, for explaining the FDI’s impacts on economic development in Argentina in 1990’s ,there are some purposes should be mentioned in this study: 1.How did the volumes of FDI inflow effect the Argentina’s economy? Were these impacts positive as the theory or not? What were the reasons to make such negative influence? 2.Why and How did the Menem government attract the FDI ? 3. What results were attained by the FDI in the development of Argentina’s economy?


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