  • 學位論文


The Influence of Deceptive Advertisement on Brand Equity:Development Stages of Morality as A Moderator.

指導教授 : 洪英正 張瑋倫


本研究旨在探討不實廣告發生後,消費者在不同的道德發展階段下對企業的品牌權益觀感是否有所差異。採取真實驗設計中的隨機化實驗組控制組前後測設計的方法進行研究以瞭解其影響程度。依據Preston(1990, 1994)所提出的不實暗示的廣告類型,將不實廣告分為「驗證的承諾」、「誇張顯著性」、「混淆的呈現」與「省略與無效或不存在的限制條件」四大類型(Petty, Ross, and Kopp, 1995),在實驗設計的過程中對實驗組揭露不實廣告內容,以檢測控制組與實驗組於不實廣告發生後之間的差異。 以政治大學與淡江大學兩校大學生為研究對象,四種不實類型廣告一共188位實驗受試者,經由相依樣本t檢定、二因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、多變量分析、共變量分析、獨立樣本t檢定與事後檢定等統計分析,得到以下的研究結論與發現: 一、當消費者認知到一則廣告含有廣告不實的訊息時,則其對刊登該廣告公司的品牌權益觀點會產生顯著影響。 二、當消費者認知到一則廣告含有廣告不實的訊息時,並不會因道德發展階段的高低,而與其他消費者對該則不實廣告所產生的反應有所差異。換言之,個人道德發展階段之不同並不會干擾對不實廣告所產生的反應。 三、個人人口統計變項之不同,不會在個人道德發展階段以及其對品牌權益觀點上產生顯著差異。 根據分析的結果,本研究認為已存在於廣告中所宣稱的事實必須完整呈現於所販賣的商品之上,且存在於廣告上的限制條件必須能清楚引起消費者注意,因「驗證的承諾」與「省略與無效或不存在的限制條件」兩種類型的不實廣告對消費者所造成的負面觀感更甚於「誇大」與「混淆」商品內容的廣告。


This research probes the influence of the deceptive advertisement on brand equity, and takes development stages of morality as a moderator. Randomized experiment and control groups’ pretest-posttest design was used in this research. We selected four typical types of deceptive advertisement for experiment, including “Promise of Proof“, “Exaggerated Signification”, “Confusing Presentation” and “Omissions and Ineffective or Nonexistent Qualification” (Preston, 1989). We let the experimental group receive the message that the advertisement includes deceptive contents during the experiment process, but the control group did not. Then we test the reaction of their cognition of brand equity by experimental group and control group. The final vivid samples are 188 students come from two universities. Through the data analysis, we have gotten the conclusion as below: 1. When a consumer feel that an advertisement contain deceptive content, the customer-based brand equity will be significant affected. 2. When a consumer feel that an advertisement contain deceptive content, his development stage of morality does not interfere with his purchasing decision. And that means personal development stage of morality does not have extraneous effect on customer’s cognition of brand equity. 3. Difference of age and sex do not have significant effect on people’s stages of morality and cognition of customer-based brand equity. We also address several practical marketing suggestions depend on the result. The declaration in the advertisement must be completely shown in the sale of goods, and the qualification must clearly attract the attention of customers. Because kinds of “Exaggerated Signification” and “Omissions and Ineffective or Nonexistent Qualification” deceptive advertisement will cause more negative perception than “Exaggerated Signification” and “Confusing Presentation”.


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