  • 學位論文


Relationship among Manufacturing decision,Manufacturing Capabilities and project performance.

指導教授 : 楊立人


製造決策是專案績效成功與否的主要原因之一。然而製造業者是否有依據專案績效成果的好與壞,再對製造決策之決策加以修正或增加,用以提升企業之製造能力,以其達到良好的製造能力及降低製造過程中所產生不必要的消耗或浪費,經由不斷的修正與改善讓企業能夠永續成長及擁有同業間無法取代之核心競爭能力。 本研究主要探討在電子製造業中,企業之製造決策與製造能力以及專案績效之間的關連性,然而本研究也加入不同的產品成熟度及不同的供應商製程穩定度及不同的專案類別對製造能力及專案績效之影響做為本研究的差異變項研究,目的在於想更了解,製造能力是否會因為產品成熟度及供應商製程穩定度的不同而有影響,以及專案績效是否會因為專案類別的不同而對專案績效產生影響。研究建議的部份本研究建議,有效的改善製程能力特別是對於品質管理、人力支援管理及產能管理,確實能有效的提升製程能力,並且本研究也發現,有效的提升製程能力,更可以使專案績效在品質、交期及成本三方面有很好的表現。 本研究之問卷發放對象以目前在製造業之工程人員、品管人員、專案經理為發放對象,問卷共回收105份,有效問卷為103份問卷,從回收問卷之研究結果發現: 一、製造決策對製造能力有正向影響。 二、製造能力對製造專案績效有正向影響。 三、不同的產品成熟度的製程,其製造能力具有顯著的差異. 四、不同的供應商製程穩定度,其製造能力具有顯著差異。 五、不同的製造專案特性,其製造專案績效具有顯著差異。


Manufacturing decision is one of the major causes of manufacturing project failure. However, many manufacturers do not adequately develop manufacturing decision leading to a poor basis in subsequent phases of a manufacturing project. The primary purpose of this study was to assessing the relationships among manufacturing decision, manufacturing capability, and manufacturing project performance. The analyses suggest that implementation of manufacturing strategy in terms of production planning, quality management, human resource management, and capacity management may improve manufacturing capability. The research findings also imply that manufacturing capability may help enhance manufacturing project performance, while it helps improve delivery performance, quality performance, and cost performance. The key findings are recapped as follows: The manufacturing decision has a positive influence of manufacturing capability. Manufacturing capability has a positive influence of project performance. Difference in manufacturing capability existed among projects with different levels of product maturity. Difference in manufacturing capability existed among projects with different levels of supplier manufacturing process. Difference in project performance existed among projects with different characteristics.


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