  • 學位論文


A survey study of selecting children’s supplementary education for creativity learning of elementary school parents: Consumer behavior perspectives

指導教授 : 高熏芳


本研究目的在運用消費者理論,探討台北市與新北市國小家長選擇以創意學習為主的補習教育之考量因素,包含: 產品、通路、推廣、價格等4個構面,亦即課程、教學、環境、師資、地點、交通、廣告宣傳、人員銷售、促銷活動、公共關係、時間和費用等12個內涵,並且進一步探究家長變項影響其選擇之差異情況,包含家長的個別變項(性別、年齡、職業、教育程度),及環境變項(家庭總收入、家庭組合、子女數目、子女學校所屬縣市、子女學校規模)。本研究工具為自編之問卷,採取Likert六點記分作為評量標準, 本研究對象以98學年度台北市與新北市地區國小14,953位家長代表為母群體,以信賴區間95%和抽樣誤差5%進行樣本抽樣,依新北市與台北市的國小家長代表數比例分配抽取430位家長代表,回收350份,回收率為81%,剔除無效問卷後,共計331份,可用率77%。 研究結果說明如下: 一、 台北市與新北市地區家長整體選擇創意學習補習教育之考量因素平均得分為4.66分。就構面而言,家長重視程度由高至低依序為「價格」、「產品」、「通路」、「推廣」。 二、 就內涵而言,家長重視程度依序為「人員銷售」、「環境」、「時間」、「教學」、「地點」、「費用」、「師資」、「交通」、「廣告宣傳」、「課程」、「促銷活動」、「公共關係」。 三、 家長選擇培養子女創意學習補習教育,除重視前述產品、通路、推廣、價格等因素外,還考量「子女」的學習意願、學習壓力及未來發展。 家長的性別、年齡、職業、教育程度、家庭總月收入在選擇補習教育之「產品」、「推廣」、「價格」等三構面分別有顯著差異,在「通路」構面則無顯著。在選擇「課程」、「教學」、「環境」、「師資」、「廣告宣傳」、「人員銷售」、「公共關係」和「費用」等內涵亦有顯著差異。 四、 家長選擇有關創意學習相關的題項之平均值4.62,多屬「師資」相關之元素。 本研究根據前述研究結果,分別針對家長在選擇創意學習補習教育,以及補習教育業者在改進經營品質上提出建議。另外,也針對未來研究提出議題、對象、工具、變項和期程上的建議。


The purpose of this study was to apply consumer behavior theory to investigate elementary school parents’ decision on selecting children’s supplementary education for creativity learning, as well as the factors influcing their choices. Four demensions of supplementary education for creativity learning were identified, including products, distribution, promotion and price. Twelve categories were included in the above 4 dimensions, such as curriculum, teaching, environment, teacher quality, location, transportation, advertisement, personel selling, discount activity, public relations, time for learning, and expenses. In addition, gender, age, job, level of education, family incomes, family structure, number of children, school district and school size were also studied to realize the differences. The instrument of this study was a self-developed questionnaire with 6 points Liker-type scales. The population of this study was 14953 parents’ representatives in Taipei and New Taipei city. The sample is taken based on 95% confidence intervals and 5% sampling error. There were 350 of the 430 parents’ representatives with 81 percent rate of response. After eliminating invalid questionnaires, the effective response is 331 with the valid rate is 71 percent. The findings of this study are summarized as followings: 1.Parents select children’s supplementary education for creativity learning based on the considerations of Products, Distribution, Promotion and Price. 2.The most important factor for selecting the supplementary education for creativity learning is “Price”. Then, following the “Products”, “Distribution”, and “Promotion” are considered. In addition, they also concern about the “personnel service” and “environment security”. 3.Besides, parents also care about “interest”, “pressure” and “future development” of their children. 4.There are significant differences among parents’ “gender”, “age”, “job” and “level of education”, “family incomes” on the factors of “Products”, “Promotion” and “Price”. Furthermore, the above personal and environmental factors also have significant differences on the categories of “Course”, “Teaching”, “Environment”, “Teacher Quality”, “Advertising”, “Personal Selling”, “Public Relations” and “Expenses”. 5.Parents’ decisions on creativity learning are mostly focused on “Teacher Quality”. The suggestions of this study are provided for future research in terms of research topics, research instruments, demographic variables, as well as school size and locations.




