  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 黃任佑


本論文以通過巴拿馬公投的巴拿馬運河第三套船閘擴建計畫為研究主題。 海運界已準備迎接二十一世紀全球經濟耀眼之星的巴拿馬運河擴建完工,該運河獲得2013年阿斯圖里亞斯親王獎(The Prince of Asturias Award 2013)提名且譽為世界七大工程奇蹟之一。本研究的方法論採用一般系統(General System Theory)法。 第一章闡釋本研究大綱及假設目標,礙於研究資料來源甚少,許多相關研究也尚未完成,本章將略提重要著作做為本研究的論點。同時,此論文為分析式探討,並加入個人觀點,此外,為延續脈絡及引導結論,本章中的方法論為後續章節之基礎。 第二章將探討巴拿馬運河之背景,以5W1H分析法針對巴拿馬運河擴建計畫來研究,5W1H包括:人(Who)、事(What)、時(When)、地(Where)、為何(Why)、如何(How)。本章也將提及中華民國與巴拿馬的經濟關係,並評估兩國間的自由貿易協定,也將探討兩國如何透過經貿、外交及經濟貢獻,來維持外交關係的方式,以供他國做為參考。 第三章著墨於台巴兩國經濟的直接關係,分析此擴建計畫對全球市場及競爭力的影響,來引導出本研究的第一個結論。此外,運用PEST分析法,從政治、經濟、社會、科技的角度,探討巴拿馬運河擴建計畫;以SWOT分析法,以優勢、劣勢、機會、威脅,探討台巴兩國的外交關係。 第四章為最複雜的章節,本章運用Michael Porter所提出的鑽石模型理論(Diamond model theory)分析競爭優勢。透過此理論,了解全球競爭下國家的比較地位。該理論可應用於國家或地域做地理區域研究,因此本章研究巴拿馬及該擴建計畫,也運用前述章節運用的正反觀點分析引導出結論。 最末章結論印證巴拿馬運河擴建為可行計畫,因擴建後可增加台巴兩國間的經濟利益。 本研究包含許多參考資料及相關面談記錄作為附件,面談記錄包括中華民國外交部柯政務次長森耀,第三套船閘擴建計畫的巴拿馬工程團隊土木工程師Gilberto Cedeno及巴拿馬大學知名巴拿馬經濟教授Jose Luis Solis。


This research is based mainly on the expansion project of the Panama Canal and its third set of locks, from the beginning when it was approved by a large majority in a national Referendum in the Republic of Panama. The maritime world is preparing to welcome one of the most important works of the XXI century which is now in the sights of all economic sectors in the world, nowdays competes to be the Prince of Asturias Award 2013 and it is considered one of the 7 modern marvels. In the first chapter I will speak of the foundation of this thesis, the objectives with their respective hypotheses, it should be mentioned that within this chapter I will allude to the most important books used as it is an argument, because there is not much information and material as the project studied have not finished yet, at the same time this research is an analytical research with a new visual approach from my point of view. At the same time I will use in the same chapter the main methodologies used to perform the next chapters, so we can follow a shape and get the results from itself. In the second chapter I will do a general background based in the Panama Canal, all of my questions are based on the method 5W + 1H that is no more than what, where, who, when, why, and how questions; all based on the expansion project of the Panama Canal, later in the same chapter I will explain the background of the economic relationship between Panama and the ROC (Taiwan) and make important evaluations of the Free Trade Agreement between the two nations, I will also talk about the trade and economic relations, diplomatic and economic contributions that both nations realize to maintain diplomatic relationship as an example for other nations. In Chapter III, we see the direct relation between the economies of both nations and I will analyze the project in the global market and competitiveness, in order to start finding the first results of this investigation taking a look in both economies. On the other side I will make some studies based on two theories, the PEST is the analysis of the political, economic, social and technological areas of the mega project extension in the canal; the second theory is the SWOT that analyzes opportunities, weaknesses, strengths and threats that affect with implications on this diplomatic relation between both nations. In Chapter IV, which I consider more complex than the ones above, I use a theory called the Diamond model theory by Michael Porter in order to get some competitive advantages, it is a model that can help to understand the comparative position of a nation in the global competition. This model can be used to study geographical regions within a country or territory, and in this case we study Panama and also the mega project of the extension , we also have positive and negative aspects to analyze the same way as in the previous chapter I am going to get some important subconclusiones. Finally in Chapter V we give our conclusions of this research with their respective recommendations to sustain the canal expansion project as a feasible project which will contribute benefits to both economies Panama and ROC (Taiwan). It should be noted that my research is rich in bibliography and attachments such as interviews with senior officials of the ROC (Taiwan) such as Excellency Mr. Simon Ko, at the other side of the Republic of Panama I have Mr. Gilberto Cedeno in charge of a section of the project of extension of the Canal in the third sets of locks and also the renowned Panamenian economist of the University of Panama Prof. Jose Luis Solis.


English bibliography
Anderson David, Sweeney Dennis j. Williams Thomas A. Stadistic for business and economics, West Publishing Company, 1987.
Dev Gupta, Atya. The Political economy of globalization.Massachussetts: Kluwer
academic Publisherts, 1997.
Frieden Jeffry A. Lake David A. International political Economy, perspective on global power and wealh, st. Martins Press, 1995.
