  • 學位論文


The Effect of“Assessment Feedback”on Students’Mathematics Learning Attitude, Learning Strategy and Self-efficacy for 8th Grade Students

指導教授 : 蔡秉燁


本研究旨在探究「評量回饋」模式對學生數學的學習態度、學習策略及自我效能之影響。研究方法採準實驗研究法,以新北市某國中八年級兩個班級學生為研究對象,隨機挑選其中一班為實驗組(32人),於數學科單元測驗後施行「評量回饋」,透過S-P學習診斷表分析學生屬於何種作答組型,並根據S-P學習診斷表的分析結果,對個別學生的迷思概念與錯誤題型,運用研究者自編的「個別試卷」進行「評量回饋」;另一班為對照組(30人),每次數學科單元測驗後施行傳統講述檢討,對測驗難題進行全班性的講解與分析。教學實驗為期六週,實驗前後均實施學習態度、學習策略及自我效能的測量,研究工具分別為數學學習問卷與個人擬題試卷。回收問卷以描述性統計、單因子共變數分析、獨立樣本T檢定、成對樣本T檢定統計方法進行數據分析,比較兩班學生在數學學習態度、學習策略與自我效能上的改變情形。 本研究經實驗後,得到以下結論: 1.接受不同回饋模式,在學習態度「自我認識」、「學習慾望」表現達顯著差異;「學習方法」、「學習計畫」、「學習習慣」、「學習過程」表現未達顯著差異。 2.接受不同回饋模式,在學習策略「批判思考」表現上達顯著差異;「演練策略」、「組織與精緻化」、「監控策略」、「調整策略」、「計劃策略」、「努力策略」、「時間與環境經營」、「他人支持策略」表現未達顯著差異。 3.接受不同回饋模式,在自我效能「堅持努力」、「言語說服」、「任務達成」、「精熟經驗」、「替代性經驗」、「身心狀態」、「學習環境」表現未達顯著差異。 4.接受「評量回饋」模式,在學習態度「自我認識」、「學習計畫」表現達顯著差異;在「學習慾望」、「學習方法」、「學習習慣」、「學習過程」表現未達顯著差異。 5.接受「評量回饋」模式,在學習策略「監控策略」、「努力策略」表現達顯著差異;在「演練策略」、「組織與精緻化」、「批判思考」、「調整策略」、「計劃策略」、「時間與環境經營」、「他人支持策略」表現未達顯著差異。 6.接受「評量回饋」模式,在自我效能「替代性經驗」表現達顯著差異;在自我效能「堅持努力」、「言語說服」、「任務達成」、「精熟經驗」、「身心狀態」、「學習環境」表現未達顯著差異。


This research aims to explore the effect of “assessment feedback” on students’ mathematics learning attitude, strategy and self-efficacy in two classes of 8th graders of junior high school. The research subjects are students from two seventh-grader classes by using experimental research method at a New Taipei City Junior High School. The experimental group of 32 students was appointed randomly out of two classes. After mathematics tests on each chapter, the students were given “Assessment Feedback” pedagogy and then analyze students by applying S-P learning diagnosis chart. Their answers were classified in the Student-Problem Chart, and based on the results of the chart; the researcher then corrected their mistakes and errors by using personal quiz which was developed by the researcher. The other class was the control group of 30 students; they were given a traditional way “Revision Pedagogy”, which were explanations and corrections of mathematics problem solving questions after of each mathematics chapter test. The teaching experiment lasted for six weeks; all students took a personal prelim quiz and questionnaire on mathematics learning attitude, strategy and self-efficacy both pre- and post-experiment. The research tools were mathematical learning questionnaire and personal prelim quiz. At last the one-way ANOVA was adopted to compare the difference and changes of two classes on their mathematics learning attitude, learning strategy and self-efficacy. The major research findings are as the following: 1.The results of students who accepted different forms of feedback in self-awareness and learning ambition under the learning attitude perspective showed an insignificant difference. The results under the performance perspective, learning method, scheme, habit and manner were insignificantly. 2.The results of students who accepted different forms of feedback under learning strategy perspective in critical thinking have presented significantly differences. But drill practice strategy, organization and delicacy, monitoring strategy, adjustment strategy, scheme strategy, effort strategy, time and environment management, supporter strategy have not shown a notable difference. 3.The results of students who accepted different forms of feedback under self-efficacy perspective in effort persistency, language persuasibility, task achievement, proficient experience, replacement experience, body and mind status, and learning environment have not shown a significant difference. 4.The results of students who accepted different forms of feedback under self-awareness perspective in self-awareness and learning scheme have presented a substantial difference. But no major differences in learning ambition, learning method, learning habit and learning manner. 5.The results of students who accepted different forms of feedback under learning strategy perspective in monitoring strategy and effort strategy have not shown major differences. In drill practice strategy, organization and delicacy, monitoring strategy, adjustment strategy, scheme strategy, effort strategy, time and environment management, supporter strategy have not shown a notable difference. 6.The results of students who accepted different forms of feedback under self-efficacy perspective in replacement experience have shown a distinguishable result. But in effort persistency, language persuasibility, task achievement, proficient experience, replacement experience, body and mind status, and learning environment have not shown a significant difference.


吳青蓉 (2005)。建構取向的教學在國中英語課堂實施之研究。育達學院學報,


