  • 學位論文


Experiments on Risk Attitude and the Preference for Employment Sector

指導教授 : 林彥伶


本文探討形成風險態度的可能因素與對就業部門選擇的影響。人的一生經常要面對選擇,選擇時的風險態度並非與生俱來,會經由許多因素逐漸累積形成,因此本文將從三個面向做探討,分別是個人特徵、家庭因素、與學校因素,再將所形成的風險態度觀察對就業部門選擇的影響。 本文的資料來源是利用問卷與活動的形式來蒐集,問卷主要蒐集個人、家庭及學校的特徵變數,活動的部分則以遊戲的方式來評估受訪者的風險態度。蒐集對象從小學生到碩士生,共335筆樣本,皆為尚未就業之樣本,修正過去文獻採用就業樣本的缺點。迴歸估計為兩階段分析,第一階段估計影響風險態度的因素,第二階段以第一階段的預測值估計風險態度對就業部門選擇的影響。 實證結果顯示,女性較男性保守,年齡較大者、獨生子女、都市樣本、與父母同住、在學校有擔任班級幹部、有知心好友、或與老師關係較好等的受訪者會較有較積極的風險態度。而風險態度較保守的人傾向選擇公部門,風險態度較為積極的人偏好私部門就業,此效果特別顯著是高中以上的受訪者,可能與樣本較接近就業階段有關。


This study examines the effects of risk attitude on the choice of employment sector. Risk attitude is not innate on individuals but is formed by their life history. We investigate the formation of risk attitude by considering three dimensions, individual characters, family, and school, and then predict the preference on employment sector. All of the observations in this study were collected by questionnaire and games from non-employment observations, and we revised the sampling problems in literature. The two-stage regression results show that female observations have more negative risk attitudes than male observations, but the observations that were older, the only child, urban, or live with parents have relatively positive risk attitudes.If individuals have better relations with classmates or teachers, they also have positive risk attitudes. Finally,the people who have relatively negative risk attitudeshave higher probabilities to choose the public sector employment, especially for those observations who were senior high school student sand university students.


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