  • 學位論文


A Study on Pre-Planning Model Of New Product Development for Travel Agencies

指導教授 : 陳定國


近幾年來,由於地球村、國民所得提高、台幣升值及大陸對外開放,旅遊已經不再是奢侈品了,出國人口每年已經達到700萬人次,而2005年日本來台的觀光人數更是突破100萬人次。在競爭的旅遊環境裡,也因為消費者年齡層次的不同、教育程度的不同、所得的高低等,對旅遊產品的偏好也會有很大的差異,新產品的開發也就越顯得重要。由於台灣旅行業的環境低價市場惡性循環、產品生命週期短暫、無所謂的專利權、獲利空間越來越小、投資報酬率不高、生存空間越來越小、經營的體質越來越差,故而旅行業者並未投注太多的人力與物力在新產品開發上。 本研究探討(a)旅行業對新產品的定義,(b)旅行業決定『開發全新產品』或是『改良品』的決策因素,(c)旅行業新產品開發的時間、成本、人力、產品的生命週期,(d)旅行業新產品開發優勢之維護、建立進場障礙,(e)旅行業在開發新產品的過程當中,網際網路所扮演的角色。 經由訪談各旅遊局、旅行業者之後,發現: (1)對新產品有不同的定義:因為旅行社的經營項目不同,所以對新產品的定義會有不同的見解,其新穎的成分有從『100%』、『50%』、『20%-50%』的界定。 (2)新產品開發跟隨『主題』:旅行業開發新產品時,會與觀光局、航空公司撘配,近幾年有很多業者會隨著電影場景主題而推出新產品。 (3)路線長短決定生命週期:新產品開發的時間、產品的生命週期會因為路線長短而不同。 (4)旅行業新產品開發之後很難維護其優勢:由於旅行社的進入障礙低,所以業者在新產品開發之後很難維護其優勢。 (5)網際網路應用之普及:因網際網路的興起、資訊的全面開放,讓消費者不用出門即可完成購買手續,程續簡單又省時,所以有些業者已整合公司由內而外的資訊,隨時更新網站上的旅遊資訊,以提供給消費者更迅速、更便捷的服務。 希望透過本研究讓各有關單位能投注更多的物力、心力在新產品開發上面,讓所有的消費者每年都有不同且優質的新行程可選擇。


新產品開發 旅行業


Travel is not a luxury any longer these years due to the increase of GNP of Taiwan global village and Taiwan, appreciation of New Taiwan Dollars as well as liberal policy adopted by Chinese Government. Approximately 7,000,000 passengers went abroad per year, and more than 1,000,000 Japanese people came to Taiwan for the purpose of tourism in 2005. In the competitive travel industry, there would be a great difference in the preference of travel products on account of different age ranges, different education backgrounds and different income levels of consumers; as a result, the development of new products becomes more important day by day. However, because of unfair competition by lowering prices, shorter life cycle of products, unprotected patent right, lower profitability, low return on investment, smaller subsistent space and worse operating environment, the local travel agents have not expended too much labor and money in developing new products. This study discusses the following issues herein: a) The definition of the new product of a travel agent; b) Under what circumstances, a travel agent decides to develop new products or to repack the existing products; c) Average time, cost and labor,life cycle of a product; d) How will a travel agent maintain its competitive edge and prevent the competitors from sharing the market after developing a new product; and e) What role will the Internet play in the process of development of new products. Through in-depth interviews with the local Tourism Bureaus and several travel agencies, it was found that: 1. Individual agencies defined new products differently from one another: Travel agencies that operate differently had different definition for what a new product really is. On the same scale a product or service may be rated from “100%”, “50%”, “20%~50%” new. 2. New products are developed after particular themes: Travel agencies usually consult the local tourism bureau and airlines for their cooperation during the developmentof new product. In the recent years, many agents had launched new products following particular scenes from popular movies. 3. The length of each itinerary determines the life-cycle of each product: The time required to develop new products, and the product life-cycle changes with respect to different lengths of every itinerary. 4. It is difficult to maintain advantage once a new product had been fully developed: Since there is low entry barrier into the tourism and travel industry, travel agents often find it difficult to defend and maintain their advantages obtaining through the development of new product for long periods of time. 5. The widespread use of the Internet: The arising of the Internet had opened vast amount of information to the customers themselves. Customers can complete the purchase process without having to step out of their homes, in an easy and time efficient manner. Therefore many travel agencies had developed their own websites and systems based on their knowledge from the past. Agencies are now able to provide quick services to their customers by frequently updating and posting the latest tourism information on their websites. I sincerely hope that all authorities-in-charge can, after reading the present article, input more efforts in developing new products in order to allow all consumers to have different choices for a variety of excellent new itineraries or product mixes in every year.


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