  • 學位論文


The Study of Curriculum Planning for Sales Force in Bancassurance

指導教授 : 陳瑞


銀行保險在國內已是趨勢,在歐洲不少國家更是主流。2008年我國銀行保險新契約占率已達4成8,至2009年1、2月合計更飆升到6成。然而,隨著台灣銀行保險業的蓬勃發展,扮演銀行保險商品銷售最重要的關鍵人物-銀行理專之專業人才卻出現良莠不齊的情況。 因此本研究選擇以探索性的方式,利用文獻探討與配合德爾菲專家問卷(Delphi Method),以產、官界專家之觀點,探討銀行保險市場需求下培育〝適格銀行理專〞應具備之教育訓練課程。 研究結果顯示,專家們皆認為於銀行保險理專教育訓練課程規劃安排上,必須提昇其銀行理專之國內、外專業金融知識,另在國內相關法令之規範必須加強其銀行理專培養ㄧ定職業倫理與道德操守,並朝多元化終身學習邁進,以建立終身職志之觀念。針對本研究所歸納之課程,專家則認為課程應以基礎學程—職前教育訓練、行銷學程—在職專業職能教育訓練、財經學程—中階教育訓練、管理學程—階層別管理研修教育訓練、頂尖學程—員工自我啟發教育訓練等五大學程做為銀行保險理專教育訓練課程組合模式之架構, 因此根據專家之建議與研究結果,本研究進而做出銀行保險理專專業人才教育課程之相關課程內涵建議,提供給各銀行保險業者做參考,希望對台灣未來發展更健全與成熟的銀行保險市場能有所助益。


While Bancassurance is already mainstream in most European countries, here in Taiwan, Bancassurance is a growing trend. In 2008, new policies accounted for 48% of all Bancassurance policies. By January and February 2009, that figure had already increased to 60%. Key to this rapid growth of Bancassurance in Taiwan has been the role of the Bancassurance sales force, however uneven their quality. This paper employs the exploratory analysis method. It studies the required curriculum for “eligible sales forces” in Bancassurance through the viewpoints of industry and government experts, and through the use of questionnaires and application of the Delphi Method. The findings of the research are as follows: The experts recognized that curriculum planning of the sales forces should include domestic and international financial knowledge. The sales forces’ ethics and integrity needed to be reinforced in accordance with national regulations. The concept of lifelong learning needed to be instilled. Moreover, they believed that a five college framework should be developed as a basis of a Bancassurance curriculum. These five programs are: Fundamental Program-Pre-Job Training; Marketing Program-On Job Training; Financial Program-Intermediary Training; Managerial Program -Hierarchy Management Training; and, Executive Program-Self-Enlightened Training. Based on the experts’ knowledge and advices, this study suggests an ideal curriculum for Bancassurance sales forces that insurance companies with Bancassurance can utilize as a reference. Hopefully, this study will assist Taiwan in developing a sound and mature Bancassurance industry.


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2.Elkington, W., “Bancassurance”, Chartered Building Societies Institute Journal, 1993.
4.Genetay, N. and P. Molyneux, “Bancassurance”, MacMillan Press Ltd, 1998.
5.Hoschka, T.C., “Bancassurance in Europe”, London MacMillan, 1994.


