  • 學位論文


MP3 Lyrics for Mobile English Learning

指導教授 : 林丕靜


本論文主要是設計一個以英文歌詞為基礎的學習環境,當播放器播放英文歌曲時並同步的顯示歌詞,透過聽力及閱讀的學習,了解英文歌詞所對應的內容,歌詞藉由後端的處理,搭配歌詞中強調的即時文字訊息,加深學習者對於英語的認知,讓以英語當作第二語言學習者在欣賞歌曲的同時能學習歌詞中值得學習的語文單元。   系統的主要架構於Windows Mobile 6.0以上,配合MP3 Player播放歌曲,內容著重於自動化擷取歌詞中具有意義的語文單元作為學習目標。   在本系統的背後首先利用了維基百科作為系統資料庫的來源,利用出現頻率、相互資訊、不可取代性三種特徵值,將維基百科中有意義的語文單元擷取出來,在歌曲播放的同時除了同步的顯示歌詞外,將歌詞比對的方法透過Web Service的技術減少手機的負擔,同時亦利用了Google Translate將擷取出來的語文單元做英翻中的轉換,並即時的顯示在播放程式介面上。   系統的主要目的在於提供一個行動學習的方式,透過欣賞歌曲的同時,不僅可以同步的觀看歌詞,亦可獲得隱藏在歌詞中值得被學習的語文單元,藉由預覽以及同步顯示的方式,提供使用者學習。


The purpose of this proposal is to design a mobile learning environment based on English lyrics. When a digital audio file (MP3) plays with music player, learners can listen or read the synchronous lyrics. Moreover, to deepen learners’ cognition in English, we provide the linguistic terms from lyrics which are processed via web-service. Additionally, the linguistic terms will be translated by Google Translate. As a result, the system can help English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners to learn linguistic terms within lyrics when enjoying music. The system we perform is building on Windows Mobile 6.0 and above. We get three features (mutual information, unsubstitutability and frequency) from corpus that is based on Wikipedia articles. This research focuses on retrieving meaningful linguistic terms and highlights within the lyrics automatically. The system is able to help students to take good advantage of mobility and portability to learn English.


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