  • 學位論文


The Foreign Policy toward the U.S. during the Blair's Administration(1997-2007)

指導教授 : 蔡政文
共同指導教授 : 鄭欽模


冷戰結束後,國際體系由兩極轉變為單極。由於潛在的威脅消失,對美國而言,英國在歐洲的重要性頓時下降;因此,英國必須找到新的途徑,來恢復往日光榮,重新活躍於世界政治。 1997年,布萊爾政府上台,提出「第三條道路」作為其施政宗旨。外交上,英國奉行「國際主義」,透過配合美國的軍事行動,對他國進行人道干涉的道德外交;另一方面,英國認為藉由提倡民主政治與自由經濟等西方價值,才能為全人類帶來福祉。2001年,美國發生「九一一恐怖攻擊事件」,英國隨即抓緊機會,與美國攜手打擊恐怖主義,此後分別於2001年及2003年,在阿富汗與伊拉克戰爭發動兩場重要的戰爭。在此過程中,英國成功地強化與美國的雙邊關係,增進其在國際上的權力與國內外的安全;然而,英、美持續的軍事行動不但讓自身在歐盟益加孤立,布萊爾政府更飽受海內外的批評聲浪。 本文研究架構,以「九一一事件」的前後作為布萊爾政府對美外交所探討的主軸,透過英國外交政策的傳統、制訂背景、主要內涵、重要特徵、問題爭議等整理,剖析英國對美外交的轉變。主要的研究方法是以國際關係中的「現實主義」與布萊爾「國際主義」內涵作為分析、評估布萊爾在其執政期間的對美外交政策。本文架構如下:首先,簡單回顧英國外交政策的歷史背景與冷戰、後冷戰的時空環境;其次,針對九一一事件前後,布萊爾政府對美外交的主要目標、目標取向、政策內容等加以研析;最後,歸納布萊爾政府對美外交政策的執行成效,進而展望英國未來對美及在國際舞台上的可能發展方向與可供歐洲研究參考的各項觀點。


After Cold War, the international system turned into “unipolar”. To the United States, Britain’s status declined due to the collapse of Soviet Union. As a result, Britain had to find some solutions in order to go back to her glorious time. In 1997, Tony Blair came to power, proposing “the third way” as his guideline on governing. As to the foreign affairs, Britain was well-cooperative with the United States. Both Britain and the U.S. practiced “interventionism” through military operations. In addition, Britain promoted democracy and liberal economics to spread happiness for all the human beings. In 2001, “911 attack” happened. Later, Britain cooperating with the U.S. was strongly opposed to terrorism. Britain and the U.S. thus launched two important wars, Afghanistan war and Iraqi war, in 2001 and 2003. Successfully, Britain strengthened the relationship with the United States, and at the same time enhanced her power and security on both abroad and home. However, the continuous military actions made Britain isolated from European Union. The Blair’s administration was criticized seriously. The present study focusing on the Anglo-US relationship before and after “911 attack” analyzed the transfer of Britain’s foreign policy towards the U.S. The analyses based on Britain’s diplomatic tradition, the process of making her foreign policy, the spirits and the significance as well as some important disputes of her foreign policy. In the present study, neo-realism and Blair’s internationalism were used as the main methods. Firstly, the history background and the environments after World War II and Cold War were reviewed. Then, the goals, the intensions, and the contents of Blair’s foreign policy towards the U.S. were discussed. Finally, the effects of Blair’s foreign policy were generalized. The present study may provide readers some viewpoints and shed some lights on Britain’s future diplomatic relations with the U.S. as well as with other countries.


911 attack Tony Blair Anglo-US relationship


Nye, J. S, Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History, (New York: Harper Collins College, 1993).
Giddens, Anthony,鄭武國譯,《第三條路:社會民主的更新(The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy)》,(台北:聯經,1999年)。
Ash, T. G., Free World: America, Europe, and the Surprising Future of the West, (New York: Random House, 2005).


