  • 學位論文


The Study of Japan‘s Aging Countervailing Strategy: Focusing on Long-term Care Policy

指導教授 : 任耀庭


根據台灣內政部統計報告指出,1993年老人人口達總人口數7%,邁入高齡化社會。2018年老人人口比例超過14%,正式邁入高齡社會。預計到2026年,台灣65歲以上人口比例將占至20%,成為超高齡社會。台灣人口的老化速度相對等先進國家更加快速,由高齡社會到超高齡社會,預估僅8年。 日本安倍政府2013年4月1日開始,啟動俗稱「安倍經濟學」施策。安倍內閣提出新經濟政策包括「大膽的金融政策」、「機動的財政政策」、「日本再興戰略」三支箭。2016年6月邁入第二階段,為因應日本少子高齡化社會轉變,通過日本「一億總活躍計畫」,推出「孕育希望的強力經濟」、「織夢的育兒援助」、「安心的社會保障」新的三支箭。分別提出「在2020年名目GDP達到600兆日圓」、「總生育率達到1.8」、「長照離職率零」之具體目標。 日本現為全世界最高齡化國家,為亞洲國家最早面臨高齡化議題,本論文主要研究日本高齡化對策。此外,北歐國家芬蘭同樣面臨高齡化社會影響,有其獨特的親朋照護制度,亦針對此進行探討。研究日本長照政策,並介紹芬蘭制度,做為台灣未來長照政策借鏡。


高齡化 長照 居家照護 安倍經濟


According to Taiwan's Ministry of the Internal Affairs, Taiwan's elderly population reached 7% of the total population, which thus became an aging society in 1993. In 2018, the proportion of the elderly population exceeded 14%, and entered the stage of an "aged society". By 2026, it is estimated that the population over the age of 65 will account for 20%, becoming a "super-aged society". The aging rate of Taiwan's population is faster than European countries and United States. It is estimated to take only 8 years to move from an aged society to a super-aged society in Taiwan. In early 2013, after two decades of economic stagnation, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe launched the economic policy "three arrows", known as Abenomics. The centerpiece of Abenomics has been the three "policy arrows" targeted at aggressive monetary policy, flexible fiscal policy and revitalization strategy. The New Three Arrows of Abenomics,under the slogan of a society " Promoting Dynamic Engagement of All Citizens" was announced in 2015 and entered the second phase. The New Three Arrows aim to increase potential growth rate through " Robust economy that creates hope ", " child care support that fosters dreams ", and " Social security that fosters sense of safety ".The targets are "achieving 600 trillion GDP in 2020", "raising birthrate to 1.8" and "reducing to zero case workers the number of workers who must quit their jobs to care for family members". Japan is currently the world's aging country. In addition, due to the early impact of the population ageing in Nordic countries like Finland, this thesis also discuss the special home care allowance, which is available for carers in Finland. Someone who is staying at home to take care of a relative who can be eligible for a home care allowance. Taking Japan and Finland as example, to bring up some suggestions of Taiwan's future long-term care policy.


