  • 學位論文


The Case study on Entrepreneurship Management for Donhua Hotpot

指導教授 : 李旭華


身處這個資訊爆炸、交通便捷、資本氾濫的時代,各行各業間幾乎沒 有秘密可言。超額利潤的產業一出現,往往瞬間就從藍海變成紅海,其 週期循環之快,變化之劇烈,已不是全球化時代前所能想像的。以往仰 賴的關稅壁壘、地域限制等護城河效果逐漸減少。生活越來越便利,創 業所要面臨的競爭也越來越大。如何透過有系統、有效率的方法,將 「成功創業」這門難題,從零到有的思考、規劃、有系統地執行,進而 達到成功創業的目的,是本論文所要分享、論述的。 本文透過實際的創業經營過程,將看似繁雜的創業細節、面向,歸納為 五大部分(4W1H),透過嚴謹的思考,資訊搜尋、驗證。將創業的風險及 失敗率降至最低,並透過不斷學習、分析既有成功者的經營理念及營運 策略,取其精華吸收融合為己所用。在根據收集到的資料,充分做好預 先規劃與評估,在創業的五個階段,草創期、虧損期、損益兩平期、盈 利期、擴張期,成功執行適合該時期之策略管理。將營運效率最大化, 使東華川府重慶老火鍋股份有限公司,在開業短短 11 個月間,經歷了 5 個月的虧損期、2 個月的損益兩平期,就成功進入盈利期。相較於一般火 鍋創業需要 1-2 年以上的虧損磨合期間,明顯縮短很多。又透過 SWOT 分 析法,對市面上的同業競爭對手做全方位的分析與探討。為下個階段的 擴張期做好準備。


In this age we have access to a lot of data, convenient transportation, and excess cash, and thus there are no longer many trade secrets among the companies. In the case where a new business is very successful, there will quickly be many competitors which drives down the profits from that market. Before globalization the speed of this competition was not as prevalent due to local taxes and regional logistics. With higher human quality of life the competition for new markets is also increasing. This study will explain a system behind creating a start up and evolving it to a successful business. This research will simplify the multi-faceted business processes and seemingly complicated entrepreneurial details into five parts (4W1H) using rigorous, data-driven thinking and verification to minimize the risk and failure rate of the venture. This will be accomplished by incorporating the essence of continuous learning, analysis of existing successful business philosophy and operating strategy. Based on the information collected, we have made adequate plans and assessments of successfully implemented strategies applicable to the five stages: business startup, negative profits, neutral profits, positive profits, and finally expansion of business. In order to maximize operational efficiency, Donhua Hotpot company experienced an 5month period of loss after 2months of operation. The company experienced 2months of neutral profit or “break even.” And finally after 10 months the business became profitable. Compared to other businesses in this market the period to profitability was significantly shorter than the average of 1-2 years. This case study will make an all-around comparison between this company and its competitors using the SWOT analysis method in order to make preparations to enter the expansion period.


SWOT 4W1H Entrepreneurship Advertising Hot Pot


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Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management。ISBN:
9780133849622 。Prentice Hall。
