  • 學位論文


A Study of South China Sea Sovereignty dispute between China-Philippines:The South China Sea Arbitration as an example.

指導教授 : 翁明賢


2013年以來,中國大陸不斷在南海控制島嶼填海造陸、強化軍事建設,並完成民航機與軍機起降南海島礁測試;儘管2016年7月荷蘭海牙國際常設仲裁法庭結果認定中國大陸在南海行為已侵犯菲律賓主權,判定菲律賓勝訴,但是中國在南海議題上仍堅不退讓,中國官員不斷在南海議題重申強硬立場,共軍更持續強化南海軍事建設,包括在南海3處島礁部署反艦與防空飛彈。 中國對於東協國家看似採取懷柔政策,試圖修補與南海周邊國家友好關係,但在原則性問題上仍不願讓步,而中、菲兩國在仲裁案結果出爐後,也推動修補兩國關係。近期雙方也簽署了共同開發南海油氣的協議,不過菲律賓不會因為獲得中國的好處後,就在南海議題根本問題上有所讓步。美國雖非南海主權聲索國,但仍主張南海的航行自由,用意在防止沿海國家過度海洋主張挑戰其海洋霸主地位,以保障自身軍事力量在世界各地皆能暢通。有鑑於此,中國在南海島礁上的強化建設行為,自然引發美方不滿,中國的國際道德形象仍難使東南亞國家接受其為區域領導者,各國實際上仍希望美國能保有一定的戰略地位。當前美國的困境,在於必須堅決反對中國的南海主張,並持續執行航行自由任務,防止中國在南海取得長期且廣泛的夏勢;惟在中國外交籌碼逐漸累積的情況下,區域現況勢將面臨更大挑戰。 由此,本文將從各國錯綜複雜的問題中,先探討南海爭議的戰略背景,有助於瞭解中國如何制定南海政策。其次再將菲律賓抽離進行探討,來分析菲國與中國在南海的爭端緣起,並如何在美、中兩強權大國的環伺下夾縫中求生存,最後再探討南海仲裁案中如何影響中國與菲律賓。


Since 2013,China has continuously controlled land reclamation in the South China Sea, strengthened military construction, and completed civil and military aviation flight tests. Although the results of the July 2009 Hague International Permanent Court of Arbitration found that China violated Philippine sovereignty, but China would not back down and kept its stand. China military even continues to strengthen construction in the South China Sea including the installation of anti-ship and air to air missiles on 3 reefs. China seems to adopt a policy of softening for the ASEAN countries, trying to mend friendly relations with the countries around the South China Sea, but on the issue of principle, they still do not want to make concessions. China and Philippines also promoted the repair of the two countries after the outcome of the arbitration case was released, they even sign an agreement to jointly develop oil and gas in the South China Sea, but the Philippines still would not back down on the main issue in South China Sea. Although the United States is not a sovereign claimant of the South China Sea, it still advocates freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. The intention is to prevent coastal countries from over-marriage and challenge their maritime hegemony to ensure that their military could hold power around the world. China's intensified construction on the South Island reef naturally caused US dissatisfaction in this case. China's international moral image is still difficult for Southeast Asian countries to accept it as a regional leader, therefore South East Asia countries are hoping that the United States can maintain a certain strategic position and continue to carry out its mission of freedom of navigation to prevent China from achieving long-term and widespread summer in the South China Sea. However, as China’s diplomatic bargaining chips accumulate, the current situation in the region will face more Big challenge. In result, this article will explore the strategic background of the South China Sea dispute from the complicated issues of various countries, and help to understand how China formulates the South China Sea policy. Secondly, the Philippines will be separated to analyze the origin of the dispute between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea, and how to survive in the gap between the US and China. Finally, the discussion of influence between China and Philippines after the case of South China Sea arbitration


一、 中文書目
(一) 書籍
 王冠雄。《東海及南海爭端與和平展望》。台北:遠景基金會,2002。
 王冠雄。《南海諸島爭端與漁業共同合作》。台北:秀威資訊科技,2006年。
