  • 學位論文


A Study of Electricity Transmission Network Optimization Model for Supply and Demand-The Case of Taiwan Electricity Transmission Network

指導教授 : 楊維楨 陳淼勝


電力是經濟發展的原動力,充裕的電力維繫國計民生;電力因具有無法儲存須即產即銷,供需會隨時變動須維持瞬時平衡之特性,且電力之產銷過程為一極龐大、複雜的系統,資產及影響均大,政府均予管制。電業自由化後,電業分業經營,輸電系統除負責電力輸送外,尚需負責負載預測、載流量規劃、電力調度、網路資訊、排程、電價管制、用戶購電選擇權、自用發電設備代輸、電力系統可靠度與安全之及時控管,因此須成立一獨立、公正之專責機構來控管,才能達到安全、公平、公開及經濟等原則之穩定供電;並建立一個具有公平性、調適性、多元性、前瞻性之電力市場,以符合社會環境之需要。 電業自由化之目的,在於藉由市場競爭之引進,加速產業技術之創新及投資效益之提高;台灣之電力系統隨著電業自由化、民營化之風潮,政府正大力修改電業法,積極開放電力事業;而輸電網路扮演發電廠與用電戶間之橋樑角色,在新的電力市場架構中,輸電網路除負責電力輸送外,尚需負電力調度與電力交易等安全之及時控管;本研究首就先進國家推行電業自由化之概況與問題,以及電價訂價理論,做深入探討,再依台灣地區電業之現況、問題做一剖析,最後依據學理與實際現狀,構建輸電網路之定位及職能,並從經濟學消費者剩餘理論之價量關係,以最佳化理論構建輸電網路之最佳供需模式,俾利未來台灣電力市場之運作。 所以,本研究之目的至少有下列幾項特點: 1.就以往學者有關電價訂價理論之訂價模式,探討對發電者、用電者及電力傳輸者之利益,與電業自由化市場競爭情況下之適宜性。 2.並就先進國家電業自由化之實施情形及存在的問題,探討台灣地區電業現況及自由化後未來適宜之架構,而就輸電網路之功能及職能,建議將輸電網路保留為國有,以達安全、公平、效益之目的。 3.自由化電力市場中,確定輸電網路之主要功能為電力傳輸、電力調度、電力交易三者,而電力交易之主要機制是電價之訂價,亦為有效供電之首務。 4.首創從經濟學消費者剩餘理論之價量關係,以最佳化理論構建在電力市場競爭機制下社會福利最大之輸電網路最佳供需模式。 而本文之研究結果發現: 1.由於電力供需之特性及電業自由化後輸電網路任務之重要性,輸電網路必須成立一專責機構來執行電力輸送、安全調度、市場交易之控管。 2.輸電網路為一龐大、複雜之系統,具有自然獨占之排他性,台灣地區之輸電網路具有獨立完整性及唯一性,且為國營事業所有,為期能達到安全、公平、公開、經濟之穩定供電,應維持國有化,以達最高效益。 3.而所構建之輸電網路最佳電力供需模式,不僅可達到發電者、輸電者、用電者之整體社會福利最大,此模式亦可應用於公用事業,如自來水、電信鐵路等公共網路之構建自由化訂價時之參考。


Electricity is the motive power of economic development. An abundant power maintains the national welfare and people's livelihood. Electricity cannot be stored yet we need to be able to balance supply and demand instantly. The electricity industry is an enormous and complicated business, which is very capital intensive and has a huge impact on the economy, so it should be government regulated. After the liberalization of electricity industry, it can be functionally divided to operate. The power transmission system is responsible for power transmission, power loading forecasting, carrier flow planning, power dispatching, schedule arranging, network information, power price regulating, providing options for consumer purchase, power transmitting from private generation, maintaining reliability of the electricity system and regulating safety and timing. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an independent and fair institution in order to achieve a stable power transmission combining safety, equity, openness and economy. The purpose of the liberalization of the electricity industry is to enhance the innovation of industry technology and to effect investment via introducing market competition. According to the trend of electricity liberalization and privatization, Taiwan’s government has started to modify the Electricity Act and to open up the operation of the electricity business. In the new framework of the electricity market, a transmission grid is not only responsible for the bridge between power generation and consumption but also for power dispatching and monitoring control of power trading with timing. This research presents the status of electricity liberalization in developed nations and theories of electricity pricing, then describes the status of Taiwan’s electricity environment and structure. Thus, we introduce an optimization model from a transmission grid perspective according to the economic theory of consumer and producer’s surplus. Therefore, this research addresses the following: 1.We refer to past theories of electricity pricing to discuss the profits for power generation, consumption and transmission, and adaptation of competition in a liberal market. 2.We refer to the circumstances of electricity liberalization in developed nations to discuss the future framework of Taiwan’s electricity business. We suggest that the transmission grid is state-owned in order to achieve the purposes of safety, fairness and effectiveness according to the function of the transmission grid. 3.We define the electricity transmission grid as being responsible for power transmission, dispatching and trading. The major mechanism of power trading is electricity pricing. 4.We have pioneered this electricity optimization model with economic theory of consumer and producer’s surplus from a transmission grid perspective in order to achieve maximal social welfare. According to our research, we conclude: 1.The electricity transmission grid should be under the charge of an independent institution to oversee power transmission, dispatching and trading according to the characteristics of electricity supply and demand after electricity liberalization. 2.The electricity transmission grid is a complicated, enormous system that is capital intensive. The current electricity transmission grid is under the control of a state-owned company and it is necessary to maintain this state-ownership in order to achieve stable power transmission with safety, fairness and effectiveness. 3.The optimal electricity supply and demand model we introduce can achieve the entire social welfare with power generation, transmission and consumption. Our model can also be applied to other public businesses such as water-supply, telecommunications and the railway system.


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