  • 學位論文


A study of the relationship among work place design, personality characteristics, and job satisfaction.

指導教授 : 李培齊 陶治中


近來因世界科技不斷進步與成長,台灣已由過去以傳統製造業為主的核心產業逐漸轉型為以高科技為發展重心之產業。在高科技產業高度競爭的態勢上,人才培訓養成不易與流失過高是一般企業最大的競爭劣勢,而造成人才流失的原因可能包括缺乏工作滿足感,或許隨著台灣學歷高等化,使剛出社會之新鮮人爭相進入高科技產業,其擁有高薪資福利卻又無法長久為公司效命、維持工作績效,這種種因素都在在顯示在高科技產業中,並非高薪資、優渥福利就可以提高工作滿意,進而留住人才,或許還有其他更重要的因素:如組織中工作場所的設計、員工人格特質等。 本研究提出以下四點研究目的: 1. 探討人格特質、工作環境與工作滿足感的理論內容。 2. 探討高科技產業員工人格特質與工作滿足之關係。 3. 探討創新、豐富之工作場所與工作滿足之關係 4. 探討創新、豐富之工作場所、內外控人格特質與工作滿足之關係 本研究主要是探討工作場所設計、人格特質與工作滿足間之相關性。以高科技產業之研發人員作為調查對象,經統計相關分析與迴歸分析後,得到越傾向內控型人格特質員工在創新、豐富工作場所中工作,其工作滿足較高之結論。


In recent years, due to accelerating technology, the core industry of Taiwan has been shifting from traditional manufacturing to high- tech industry. In this hyper- competitive situation, companies are having difficulty training new talent. One cause is job dissatisfaction. In Taiwan, higher education is increasingly popular. Many graduates work for high- tech companies, but they don’t stay on their jobs for long. And often they don’t maintain high levels of performance. Perhaps there are other more important causes; for instance, the design of the working environment, employees’ personalities, etc. This research paper has the following four objectives: 1. Investigate the theory of personalities, work place design and job satisfaction. 2. Investigate relationships between high- tech employees’ personalities and job satisfaction. 3. Investigate relationships between innovative, abundant work place design and job satisfaction. 4. Investigate relationships among innovative, abundant work place design, personality characterizes and job satisfaction. The main idea if this study is to discuss the correlation among work place designs, employees’ personalities and job satisfaction. Taking research and development personnel as the objects, after gathering and analyzing the regression analysis, this study concludes that the more introverted the personality, the higher the job satisfaction.


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