  • 學位論文


A Study of Important DPP Administration's Cross-Straits Issues(2000-2006)

指導教授 : 楊景堯


公元2000年,台灣經由首度政黨輪替,陳水扁先生坐上總統寶座,民進黨取得執政權,兩岸關係也因政黨輪替翻開新的一頁。 台灣海峽過去五十多年大致平靜,主要係靠兩個因素。首先,台灣在政治方面沒有積極尋求獨立;其次,中共尚未具足武力攻台的能力。不過,這兩個長期存在的因素已經發生變化,一方面,台灣近年來遭遇中國堀起及其在國際間之打壓孤立,中共對台經濟之磁吸效應與統戰等不利因素,使台灣逐步被邊緣化。另一方面,中國已成亞洲軍事強權,經濟的快速發展使其綜合國力大幅提升,台灣國家安全之威脅日益加增,兩岸關係面臨空前的挑戰。 本文旨在探討民進黨政府兩岸重要議題之背景、比較不同議題之影響因素,及歸納研究發現與建議,供相關研究參考。另本論文主要採個案研究途徑。而在個案挑選上,因經貿發展攸關台灣之主要生存命脈,故選擇開放晶圓廠赴大陸投資與開放大陸人士來台觀光兩個個案研究,另在政治及文教議題方面,則以「一個中國」議題及大陸學歷採認二個案研究,藉以作為探討民進黨政府兩岸重要議題背景及影響因素之檢視手段。 經由研究發現,建議政府應(一)加強施政穩定度及社會治安;(二)拓展中國以外之廣大世界市場,避免過度投資大陸;(三)大幅開放兩岸觀光及文教交流,以台灣之民主經驗促成大陸的民主化。(四)強化對大陸投資及經貿依存度等之管控與預警系統。


In 2000, as Chen Shui-bian won the presidential election, DPP replaced KMT as the ruling party and ended 50 years of KMT domination on Taiwan’s politics as a result; and the shift of power between the two political parties has opened a new page in the cross-strait relations. Two major factors have probably kept Taiwan Strait relatively peaceful in the last 50 years. Firstly, Taiwan did not seek independence actively; and secondly, China did not have the full military capability to take over Taiwan. However, new challenges to alter the two factors have been detected recently. In one hand, Taiwan has been gradually marginalized due to the fact that China has risen to become a world power in international politics and exerted its influence in isolating Taiwan within the international community. The situation worsened when the effects of China magnetism over Taiwan’ s economy began to appear with China’s forging of the so-called “United Front Warfare.” On the other hand, as China has become a military power in Asia, its rapid economic growth indirectly accelerated its national power, and thus, amplified its military threat on Taiwan’s national security. Consequently, the cross-strait relations have encountered an unprecedented challenge. This paper attempts to explore the background of the four important cross-strait issues by the DPP government; compare these with the factors that influenced other different issues; hope to discover more answers to these issues from my studies and make suggestions as references to the related researches. This dissertation is to take an approach through case study and document analysis. Considering that the economic and trade development is a lifeline to Taiwan’s wellbeing, the writer selects the following topics: “Easing Restrictions on Eight-inch Wafer Factory’s China-bound Investments” and “Allowing the Mainland Tourists to Visit Taiwan.” With regards to political and educational issues, the writer selects “One China Issue” and “Recognition of Educational Qualifications from Mainland China.” The selection of these four specific cases is to examine the background and the factors of DPP government’s important cross-strait policies. At the conclusion of the research, the writer makes the following suggestions to the DPP government:(1) To strengthen administrative stability and social security;(2) To develop a global marketing strategy, and avoid excessive investments in China;(3) To widely open the cross-strait tourism, cultural and educational exchanges, (4) To stimulate further democratic reforms within China with the hint of Taiwan experience in democratization;(4) To establish a sound monitoring system on mainland investments on Taiwan and the cross-strait economic and trade interdependence.


