  • 學位論文


A Study of Customer Loyalty Drivers in Taiwan Mobile Phone Industry - Satisfaction as Mediating Variable.

指導教授 : 張俊惠


隨著電信產業的發展,手機的服務已經廣為大眾所接受,它也成為人們日常生活中不可或缺的商品;然而隨著手機服務的普及,台灣手機產業逐漸邁入成長趨緩的成熟期,在這樣的情況下,消費者對於手機品牌的忠誠度成為相關業者要保有原顧客的制勝關鍵。因此,本研究沿襲Gounaris & Stathakopoulos (2004)對忠誠度驅動因子之研究(消費者驅動因子、品牌驅動因子、社會驅動因子),針對台灣地區的手機使用者為對象,並以滿意為中介變數,來探討手機消費者忠誠行為與各項驅動因子的關係。為驗證本研究的觀念架構,本研究採用結構方程模式(structural equation model, SEM)來進行分析,而主要的研究發現描述如下: ㄧ、三項驅動因子皆對顧客忠誠有正向顯著的影響 相關業者應同時致力於本研究三項驅動因子的努力,而其中又以社會地位(社會驅動因子)對顧客忠誠的影響最為顯著,因此相關業者可以透過廣告為自身品牌塑造一種名牌的象徵,使消費者知覺手機品牌帶給他的社會效用很高,或是越可能讓其受到他人的讚美、吸引他人欣羨的眼光,如此一來,消費者對該品牌將更具忠誠。 二、再次證實滿意的重要角色 本研究再次證實滿意對於忠誠的確有重要影響,且其「中介效果」的確存在於台灣手機消費者的忠誠行為中,顯示相關業者在關注本研究三項驅動因子的同時,也將其連結至消費者對於手機品牌的整體需求與期待,達到顧客滿意的程度,如此一來將更強化消費者的忠誠行為。


手機 驅動因子 滿意 顧客忠誠


With the development of telecommunication, the service of mobile phone has been used by more and more people, and nowadays it becomes an essential equipment for people in Taiwan. Yet Taiwan’s mobile industry grows slowly in recent years, hence it’s inchmeal going into the mature stage. In such situation, how can the phone brand vendors keep their customers stay becomes the key point to win in the industry. Therefore, this thesis mainly follows the study of Gounaris & Stathakopoulos (2004), which identifies three antecedent aspects of loyalty (consumer drivers, brand drivers, and social drivers). Furthermore the thesis combines satisfaction as the mediating variable to study the relationship between the three drivers and loyalty. It uses structural equation model (SEM) to conduct data analysis, and the findings are as follow: 1. All three drivers have significant positive effects on loyalty, especially the social driver. Relative vendors can create a high-class symbol for their phone brand, and make the customers feel proud to use their brand (high social utility), therefore they’ll be willing to buy the brand in the future. 2. The thesis certifies the importance of mediating variable (satisfaction) again. The result reminds the relative vendors should not only pay efforts to the former drivers, but also link them to customer needs and expectation. Once achieve customer satisfaction, the loyalty effect will be reinforced.


Driver Mobile Phone Satisfaction Loyalty


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