  • 學位論文


An Analytical Study on the Pragmatic Diplomacy Relations between Taiwan and the United Kingdoms---Under the Framework of the EU Law

指導教授 : 王泰銓


本論文是從歐洲聯盟的架構下,研究英國與台灣之間的實質外交關係。 研究目的,一、了解台灣在非官方關係下,如何建立、運作、保持與歐盟會員國之一的英國的實質外交關係兼論台歐關係;二、瞭解台英關係,包括經貿、科技交流合作等各方面互動;三、分析在里斯本條約是否對台英、台歐關係有所影響;四、提出促進台英關係更密切合作之檢討與建議;五、研究台英交往模式,作為台灣與歐盟會員國建立關係之借鏡。 主要採取歷史研究法,輔以文獻研究法、比較研究法、深度訪談法等等。 其內容包括,第一章緒論,敘論本研究的研究動機、研究目的、文獻分析與回顧、研究架構、研究方法與理論、研究範圍與限制,以及預期的研究貢獻。第二章針對論文運用之相關理論分析,解釋運用理論的方式。第三章從台英兩國交往的歷史背景切入,說明台灣自身條件問題、分析台英交往關係的背景,分析雙邊交往以來所關心的議題(涵蓋經貿投資、軍售軍購議題、人權觀點的歧異等)與簽署的雙邊協議。第四章則是以台英兩國的經貿關係做研究,包括雙邊投資環境、英商在台灣的直接投資狀況、英國對台灣的貿易項目範圍、台灣對英國的貿易領域、台商在英國的直接投資分析、台灣對英國的貿易項目範圍、英國對台灣的貿易領域。再探討英國貿工部與台灣經濟部國貿局的官式會議、一軌半模式的台英商務會議、以SWOT分析四個雙邊實際投資的案例。第五章則是評析台英務實外交的實際工作成效,經由政策制定與實踐,了解未來台灣可能尋求新模式來進行非官式外交關係。第六章是分析在歐盟的架構下,台英、台歐關係如何受限、如何經營管理。第七章結論,提出研究發現與建議,包括歐盟規範會員國對外關係的影響,特別是會員國與非邦交國的關係、互動與節制、里斯本條約生效後的權限;英國與台灣貿易的願景,研究出擴展對英實質外交與建立更緊密夥伴關係之道;台灣擴展國際關係的評估與建議,包括強化台灣與世界接軌、建立與歐盟會員國之對外關係之途徑。


This research paper is trying to examine the Taiwan-UK-EU triangular relations during 1950 and 2010, especially on the issues of politics, economics, diplomatic contact, peace and security cooperation, and culture interactions. The Taiwan-UK relations during this period, in reality, are primarily unofficial. This study aims also at giving advice for enhancing the relations between the three parties effectively in the future. The United Kingdoms and Taiwan are all insular countries situated off the mainland of the Eurasian Continent. The trade between them began as early as in the China Empire. The British opened the doors of Taiwan after the signing of the Peking Treaty and the Settlement on the Trade in the Nine Treaty Ports. After 1860, the British set up their consulates and trade offices in Tamshuei and Takao. It seemed clear that Britain had long cherished economic interests she could gain in Taiwan. In 1950, the UK switched diplomatic recognition of “China” from Taiwan to Mainland China, while maintaining one British Consulate in Tamshuei and another Consulate in Peking (which was later re-named as Beijing), while continuing to carry out consular and trade-related activities on both Chinas. Taiwan once set up an office in the UK in September 1963, which was known as the Free Chinese Centre. After the UK established full diplomatic relations with China in March 1972, the UK-Taiwan relationship suffered a period of difficulty. In February 1976, the UK established the Anglo-Taiwan Trade Committee with the aim of promoting the UK’s trade interests with Taiwan, and in June 1989 the Committee established a separate Consular Office. On 15 April 1992, the Free Chinese Centre was renamed to become the Taipei Representative Office in the UK. Later on in October 1993, the Anglo-Taiwan Trade Committee and the UK Education Centre merged together, and the resultant body was entitled as the British Trade and Cultural Office. In recent years, cooperation between Taiwan and the UK has given rise to the signing of numerous agreements in areas of science and technology, again complementing those cultural exchange agreements. Furthermore, the UK-Taiwan Double Taxation Agreements came into effect in 2003, freeing Taiwanese businessmen living in the UK from having to pay double taxes, which have had a profound influence on the rights and interests of Taiwanese citizens living in the UK. Taiwan-UK unofficial relations were established mainly for promoting economic interaction two ways trade and investment, cultural and educational exchange, and going further later on in terms of semi-diplomatic contacts. Under the shadow of the PRC’s continuous intimidation, the relationship has gone like up hill struggle, even in times of peace and prosperity.


雪瑞爾(1999),《國際法Starke's International Law》,台北:五南出版社。
