  • 學位論文


Research of PLA Satellite Develop and Strategy

指導教授 : 王高成


現代的戰爭,由於科技進步及軍事應用延伸,已經逐漸改變了傳統戰爭的型態與面貌,並將戰場從地面、海上、空中擴及至太空領域,而衛星事業的發展也不僅限於科技範疇,更涉及一個國家整體安全及其國際地位的問題。近年來,世界大國巨頭們紛紛將目光投向這片「藍海」,太空爭奪戰早已硝煙四起。 中共為提升綜合國力和國際地位,在美、俄等先進大國發展模式引領下,以其國家利益為前提,衛星發展戰略陸續以制定相關政策及公佈航天發展白皮書,在展望未來的同時,亦帶動、引發周邊國家安全情勢及共同利益競合。 本論文以探討「衛星發展戰略」為出發點,分析中共衛星發展歷史背景及其各階段相應政策,及衛星發展戰略演變,因中共為擴增其衛星科技能量,建設航天強國,提高發射能力,歷任領導人開始以科技領軍,頒訂各項衛星及科技開發政策,各歷程累積能量或發展走勢,繼而形成之戰略演變。 制天權是中共建構國家安全戰略發展重要的關鍵環節,為實現這關鍵點,從中共在太空空間整體衛星發展來看,現階段中共所發展的通信、導航、偵察、氣象等星系衛星,使其擁有指、管、通、情、監、偵等六大主要軍事作戰支援能力,不僅能提高其部隊作戰效能,改善其洲際飛彈導航能力、3C(通信、指揮、控制)戰力,增加情蒐能力、提供早期預警、建立未來戰略防禦能力等。話雖如此,存在於內政、財政、外交、國際等因素,都將影響其衛星發展戰略規劃。 研究結果發現,中共衛星發展腹背受敵,制約未來戰略規劃,然藉衛星發展戰略,構築基礎4大應用星群,以「發展基礎、深入應用、走向國際」策略,整體國力與國際聲望躍升,面對衛星四大層面戰略挑戰,先期建構區域軍事影響能力,應為必然之結果。


As the advance of technology and extend of military usage, modern war has gradually changed the type and appearance of trandition , also makes the field of war to extend from the ground, sea, air into space. The development of satellite industry is involved with the field of technology , national overall security and international status. In recently years, the great powers in the world continuously look into this”blue sea”, the space race has begun. In order to enhance the comprehensive national power and international status , following the development model of the United States and Russia, China continuous to formulate relative policies of satellite development strategy, and pulish the white paper of space development as a precondition to national interest. Looking forward to the future simultaneously, to drive the security situation of the neighboring countries and compete in mutual benefit. This thesis is to discuss” The strategy Of Satellite Developmnet” as the starting point, analyze the historical background of China’s satellite development , the corresponding policy at each stage, and the evolution of the satellite development strategy. In order to expand satellite technology capability, build China into a space power , and enhance rocket launch capability, each leader started to lend the technology as the leader , formulate policies of satellite and technology development, the cumulative energy or development trend of the process, and then formate the strategic evolution. Space power is main key link for China to buld the strategic development of national security. In order to achieve this key point, from the satellite development of China in the space of point of view, at the present stage, to develop communication, navigation and positioning, reconnaissance , and weather satellites which make them have the supporting abilities of military operations of command, control, communication, collection, surveillance and reconnaissance, which will enhance the effectiveness in the warfare , improve navigation capability of the intercontinental ballistic missile and 3C(communication, command, control), increase collection capability and provide early warning , build up future strategic defense. That being said, factors of the internal , financial, diplomatic and international affairs which will affect the projection of satellite development strategy. The study found that China develops the satellite between two fires, which restricts the projection of future strategy. However, through the strategy of satellite development, to construct basical 4 satellites of application and promote overall national power and international reputation basing on polices of development foundation, deep application, moving towards the world. It’s certainly result to construct regional military effect capability in advance when facing 4 aspects of strategic challenge with the satellite.


林子洋,《太空情報與國家安全》。臺北:幼獅文化事業股份有限公司,2004 年1 月。
袁易,〈重新思考外空安全:一個中國建構安全規範之解析〉。臺北:《中國大陸研究》,第52卷第2期,2009年 6月。
