  • 學位論文


The Effect on Cross-strait Relations by President Ma Ying-jeou's Mainland China Policy

指導教授 : 張五岳
共同指導教授 : 劉瀚宇


兩岸關係無疑是現今影響我國生存與發展最重要也是劇烈的因子,而兩岸關係卻在世界各國找不到可以類比或做為觀察對象的例子,故只能步步為營,考驗臺海雙方政府的智慧。 而直接影響兩岸關係的大陸政策其重要性更超越我國其他任何政策,因為大陸政策影響兩岸關係的好壞,牽一髮動全身,直接影響我國外交、國防、經濟等領域政策;大陸政策同時也間接影響到教育、文化乃至於社會福利政策,由此可見我國大陸政策的影響力與外溢效果。 兩岸關係的好壞與臺灣主要政黨的大陸政策,甚至成為影響選舉輸贏的關鍵原因。馬英九總統因為主張向中國大陸和解、開放而得到2008年、2012年兩次選舉臺灣民意的絕對多數支持。既然如此,又為何這個曾讓國民黨、馬英九政府選舉無往不利的大陸政策績效,卻在2016年選舉完全失靈? 本文將探討馬英九總統執政時期的大陸政策,究竟對兩岸關係造成什麼樣的影響,更盤點由兩岸關係外溢到臺灣社會各層面的效果、大陸政策影響政府其他領域的政策等等。並試著得出馬英九政府大陸政策對臺灣的利弊得失,以供政府及學者的參考。


No doubt, the Cross-strait relations between Taiwan and mainland China, is the most important “things” in Taiwan, it could determine Taiwanese future development. Also, we couldn’t found any other similarity situation in the world. Therefore, to help the R.O.C. government could be more intelligent in dealing with mainland affairs, we researching it. The policy for mainland affairs of the government of R.O.C., which is not only affect cross-strait relations directly, but influence the policy for national defense, foreign affairs and economy. And also influence the policy for education, culture and social welfare indirectly. It can be seen that the impact of mainland affairs policy is broad and spillover, and it’s go beyond any other policy in Taiwan. The Cross-strait relations and the policy for mainland affairs of Taiwanese leading parties could be the key of winning the elections. President Ma Ying-jeou who advocate the policy of reconciliation with China and open the market to China, had been accepted by the majority of Taiwanese citizens in 2008 and 2012 presidential election. But KMT lose the 2016 election by the same condition, we would like to know why was it happened? Therefore, we will analyze the policy for mainland Chinese affairs in President Ma Ying-jeou's ruling period. Explore what kind of impact by those policies on the cross-strait relations. Make an inventory to the spillover effect in the whole Taiwanese society, and those other policy which had been influences. Get the pros and cons of Ma Ying-jeou's mainland China policy for future reference.


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