  • 學位論文


A study on power struggle between Deng Xiaoping and Hua Guofeng:"The Practical Factions" defeated "The two whatevers Factions"

指導教授 : 潘錫堂


中共在七十年代經歷兩次重大歷史轉折。1976年10月華國鋒主導粉碎「四人幫」結束「文化大革命」,成為繼毛澤東以來的「英明領袖」;經過派系權力鬥爭,在1978年12月中共十一屆三中全會,中共政權和平移轉,形成以鄧小平為核心的第二代領導集體。 提到華國鋒離不開「兩個凡是」,鄧小平第三次復出後,認為要完整準確地理解毛澤東思想,強調不能只從個別詞句斷章取義,「實事求是」才是毛澤東思想的精髓,一切應從實際出發,對「兩個凡是」提出批評。「實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準」一文直接擊中「兩個凡是」之要害,由於鄧小平的支持與華國鋒允許眾人暢所欲言,「實踐派」與「凡是派」兩方對如何解讀毛澤東思想,及冤假錯案平反等歷史遺留問題在真理標準問題大討論上引發激烈爭辯,華國鋒在這場權力鬥爭中逐漸失勢,並因「兩個凡是」辭職退出政壇。 本文試圖透過探討鄧小平與華國鋒權力鬥爭中「實踐派」壓倒「凡是派」之過程,對華國鋒的短暫政權、作為一個過渡者、及在中共十一屆三中全會鄧小平成為第二代領導集體核心所展現之歷史意義進行評析。


Communist Party of China encountered two major historical turning points in the 1970s. Hua Guofeng arose to smash the Gang of Four and terminate the Cultural Revolution in Oct. 1976. With the victory, he became the brilliant leader to succeed Mao Zedong to rule China. However, the political struggles did not stop and continued to Dec. 1978. In The Third Plenary Session of 11th Central Committee, the power peacefully diverted to Deng Xiaoping After the power diversion, China became to be ruled by the group of second generation politicians under Deng Xiaoping’s leadership. While mentioning Hua Guofeng, we cannot ignore his assertion of “The two whatevers” After the 3rd time gaining the power, Deng Xiaoping began to emphasize the importance of completely and precisely understanding Mao Zedong’s thought. Taking meaning of what Mao expressed from cut segment was not the correct way. To be practical and realistic is exactly the soul of Mao’s assertion. Everything needed to be practical. Therefore, he began to criticize “The two whatevers” assertion. In the article “Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.” Deng Xiaoping directly attacked the weakest point of “The two whatevers”. Because of Deng’s support and Hua’s tolerancing the challenge, the parties of “The Practice” and “The two whatevers” fiercely disputed at the issues regarding testing truth, such as the logic of understanding Mao’s assertion and the judgement of political rehabilitation onto those innocent and wrongly sentenced cases. Hua gradually stumbled in the battle and finally left the political field because of his assertion - “The two whatevers”. This article attempts to explore the progress of “The Practice” defeating “The two whatevers” in the political battle between Deng and Hua, the influence of Hua’s temporary political leadership – as he just played the role of an political adapter, and the historical meaning of Deng becoming the core of the group of the second generation politicians in The Third Plenary Session of 11th Central Committee


Flemming Christiansen, Shirin M. Rai原著,黃列修、潘兆民譯,張五岳校閱,《中國政治與社會》(臺北市:韋伯文化國際出版有限公司,2005年3月)
