  • 學位論文


A Research on the right to know and the “Law of Publication of Information” of Japan---also a comparision with the draft of “Law of government's Publication” of Information of Taiwan

指導教授 : 胡慶山


資訊公開法的制定,已成為世界性的潮流,行政機關所保有的資訊向國民公開的資訊公開制度,是民主主義不可欠缺的,為許多先進國家所引用。採用資訊公開制度的國家,其共通的理念為行政機關負有將其所保有的資訊公開的義務,保障國民具有要求政府公開資訊的制度,以打破行政的秘密主義。資訊公開的目的係為實現政治及行政的民主化及保障人權。資訊公開制度是一種直接民主制度的手段,可說是一項「憲法革命」的一大改革。資訊公開普及的背景係因為資訊化社會的進展、國家機能變大及極權化、企業社會影響力增大及大眾媒體的資訊壟斷,使國民生活發生變化。對大眾有用的資訊,集中於國家、企業及大眾媒體,將有利的資訊加以修飾釋放出去,國民真正想知道的資訊卻不一定能得到。 國民知的權利的中心,係為能接近及瞭解有關國政的資訊。民主主義政治的基礎,政府的成立係基於被治者的同意及為了國民的幸福及安全而施政,被治者的國民其前提要件必須具有知的權利。國民對於國政知的權利,在憲法上有其基礎。知的權利由日本國憲法上國民主權的原則定下基礎,並且基於表現自由的保障規定有其根據。依據憲法學著的看法,資訊公開的基礎知的權利並非僅是理念或政策目標,而係作為憲法上的權利。資訊公開制度就是將憲法上所保障的知的權利,作為實定法上的權利,具體地落實政府有義務將資訊向國民公開的制度。日本的學界及國民針對資訊公開制度,提出為服膺於國民知的權利,及實現公開的政府,應在國民的監視下以防止政治家及公務員的不當支出,爰反覆要求資訊公開制度的必要。在長年的要求下,日本的資訊公開法終於在1999年5月成立,並於2001年起施行。 本研究的構成共計六章,第一章為「緒論」、第二章為「知的權利的基本原理」、第三章為「日本國憲法中知的權利之理論基礎」、第四章為「日本資訊公開法的制定理念及 實踐」、第五章為「台灣的政府資訊公開草案現況」、第六章為「結論與建議」。本研究最後並針對日本資訊公開法及台灣的政府資訊公開法草案作一比較。




It is the world trend to stipulate Information Publication Law in a democratic country. In today’s democratic countries, the system for a government to publicize information to the people is indispensable. Under the principle of “ information publication”, the government has the responsibility to publicize certain information so as to avoid “secret administration” and protect human right. The system of Information Publication can be regarded as a measure of direct democracy. It would be a “constitutional revolution” when it becomes parts of a country’s constitution. The background of development of the thought of “information publication” is the enlargement of government functions which monopolize the mass media and information. When a government or giant enterprises release information to the public after intentional modification, people would hardly have opportunity to obtain true knowledge. The core of people’s right to know is to know about information from the government. Democracy is based on the agreement of people being ruled, so any policy concerning people’s welfare and safety must be known by the people. This idea has already been put in Japanese Constitution. According to scholars of Constitutions, the “right to know” is not only a thought or a political goal, it is the “ constitutional right” which requires the government to execute. For example, Japanese politicians or government officials’ financial condition should be publicized to an extent. In May 1999, Japan has its first “ Information Publication Law” which was practiced in 2001. This research is composed of six chapters. The first Chapter is Introduction. The second Chapter is “The fundamental theories of the Right to Know”. The third Chapter is “ The basic theories of the Right to Know in Japanese Constitution”. The Forth Chapter is “ The Stipulation and Practice of Japanese Law of Information Publication”. The Fifth Chapter is “ The present Condition of Taiwan government’s Law of Information Publication Draft”. The Sixth Chapter is “Conclusion and Suggestions”. After all, this Research makes a comparison between Japanese and Taiwanese Law of Information Publication.


The Right To Know


9、 林素鳳(2002.)<日本政府資訊公開法制及其施行成效>,《月旦法學雜誌》,
15、 范江真微<政府資訊公開制度與個人隱私之保護>,《法令月刊法學論著》,第五二卷第五期。
16 范姜真微<國家機密與知的權利>,《律師雜誌十一月號》,第二六六期。
