  • 學位論文


The Seawall of Jiangsu&Zhejiang in Ming dynasty

指導教授 : 邱仲麟


海潮災害是古往今來危害沿海地區的人類生命和財產主要災害之一。明代江浙地區是海潮災害頻繁的地區。海潮災害主要是由颱風引起的,與一般水災相比,海潮災害具有突發性和狂暴性的特點,因而更容易造成大的危害。明代海潮災害不僅吞噬大量生靈,還造成巨大財產損失。因為江浙地區所受潮害最為嚴重,所以江浙地區海塘工程最為發達。 本文以明代江浙地區海塘為研究對象,分為三章進行討論: 第一章分析江浙地區的氣候與地理環境,對於海潮災害大小的影響。以及海塘的分布位置與自然地理的關係。 第二章對於海塘修築技術發展作分析,從材料、結構工法、以及海塘相關工程(護塘、搶修、水閘),可見明代時海塘的修築形成了一個完整系統海防工程。 第三章講述塘政制度為主要包含了管理體系、經費以及對於海潮災害的救助。 觀察明代江浙地區海塘,可以發現海塘在修築規模以及工法上都有顯著的發展。並且形成了一個管理制度,對於海塘的修築和運作,能夠有效的管理。因為有了上述的發展,才使得江浙地區能夠避免受到海潮災害的影響。


明代 海塘 海潮 江蘇 浙江 水利工程


Across the ages, sea tide plague always disserve resident around the coast.In Ming dynasty, the most serious plagued province are Jiangsu and Zhejiang.Because of typhoon creates great tide plague, compare with normal floods, it is more angry and suddenly also creates serious damages. During the Ming dynasty the tide plague is not only savage life but also serious wealth lose.Due to the serious loss in Jiangsu and Zhejiang so the sea wall system is the most developed too. This report’s issue is focus on Jiangsu and Zhejiang’s seawall system and developed by three parts. Chapters 1, Focus on how does the weather, geographic, and environment affects the tide plague. Chapter 2, Analyze the materials architectonic and earthwork Skills (urgent repair, reinforced seawall, and water gate), by the way we can tell their seawall building abilities is really prospered. Chapter 3, is describing the seawall system, it is include manage, economic and plagues aid methid. Observe the seawall of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Ming dynasty, we can tell their building skill and scale has developed and has become a effect management system.According to the system Jiangsu and Zhejiang can prevent the sea tide plague’s debacle.


Ming Sea-wall Tide Jiangsu Zhejiang water conservancy



