  • 學位論文


The Design of Street Sheltering Device for Stray Cats

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


本研究的目的是藉由探討大學校園周圍的社區街道空間對於流浪貓的不友善,提出改善策略,並且提出街道庇護裝置的設計提案。 研究者為了了解社區街道對於流浪貓的不友善,替餵養三年的流浪貓穿戴上行動式攝影機,透過錄製流浪貓在社區街道的生活路徑和接觸過的人事物,透過研究者多年觀察流浪貓的經驗,探討流浪貓在社區街道生活時不方便的地點、空間和行為。以大學校園周圍的社區街道做為研究範圍,了解社區街道的型態和組成發現,因為基地位在大學校園周圍,因此學生族群眾多,社區街道兩側皆停滿機車,流浪貓因此在休息時容易受到學生牽引機車而受到驚嚇和受到傷害;也因為社區街道提供流浪貓的躲避空間不足,時常被狗咬傷。躲避狗攻擊和躲避機車的移動因而成為流浪貓在校園周圍的社區街道最常發生的行為。 研究者希望透過街道庇護裝置設計,讓流浪貓能夠更安全的在校園周圍的社區街道生活,並根據社區街道的空間分析和流浪貓的行為分析的結論,應用在街道庇護裝置的設計操作上,並且製作出以通道空間為概念的貓道和以休息空間為概念的貓屋,放在基地進行兩周的實際測試,最後透過監視器觀察流浪貓真實的使用過程。 本研究的結論有以下三點: 一、對流浪貓而言,貓道(通道式裝置)的使用率較高,貓屋(房屋式裝置)的使用率較低。 二、流浪貓在晚上的裝置使用率比白天高。 三、貓道有效的提供流浪貓在基地的安全感,貓道放置後,出現在基地的流浪貓數量增加。


流浪貓 TNR 零安樂死 街道庇護 貓道


This study aimed to propose improvement strategies for the issue of the community street spaces around the university campus which were unfriendly to stray cats and come up with designs of street sheltering devices. In order to find out how unfriendly the community street spaces were to stray cats, the researcher put a mobile camera on a stray cat which the research had been feeding for three years to record the surroundings, things, events, and people in its daily life. The researcher had years of experiences observing stray cats. Based on these experiences, this study explored the locations, spaces, and behaviors which made it inconvenient for the cat to live in the community street spaces. The base, area being researched was the community streets around the university campus. Because there were a lot of students around the university campus, there were many motorcycles pared by the sides of the community streets. Stray cats resting in these areas were often frightened and hurt when students moved their motorcycles. And because there were not enough sheltering spaces for stray cats, they were often bitten by dogs. The most common behaviors for stray cats on the community streets around the campus were to avoid dog’s attacks and to avoid moving motorcycles. This study aimed to design street sheltering devices to help stray cats live in the community street spaces around the campus more safely and apply the results from the analyses of community street spaces and stray cats' behaviors to the designs of the street sheltering devices. Finally this study made a cat-passage as a passage space and a cat-house as a resting space. These devices were placed in the base area for testing for two weeks and through the monitors how these devices were used by stray cats were observed. The research conclusions are summarized below: 1.The usage rate of the cat-passage (the passage device) by stray cats was higher than that of the cat-house (the house device). 2.The usage rates by stray cats at night were higher than those during daytime. 3.The cat-passage effectively increased stray cats' sense of security in the base area. When the cat-passage was placed, the number of stray cats showing up in the base area increased.


Stray Cats TNR Street Sheltering Zero Euthanasia cat-passage


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