  • 學位論文


The European Union's Investment and Trade Policy in Mexico and Its Political and Economic Influences (2000~2005)

指導教授 : 蔡政文


歐洲聯盟(European Union)基於地緣政治及歷史因素之考量,對外經貿關係的發展基本上呈現出層級性的特色,拉丁美洲各國一直以來對於歐盟而言並非主要積極發展的對象。然而在1990年代之後,隨著全球層次、區域層次、國家層次等條件的轉變,同時也出於全球佈局的考量,於是開始加強對拉丁美洲的政經交流。對歐盟而言,地大物博人口眾多的拉丁美洲不僅具有高度的經貿利益,也是其在全球均衡佈局爭取友誼以提升歐洲影響力的成長夥伴。其中,墨西哥是拉丁美洲次於巴西的第二大國,位處於連接北美與拉美的重要樞紐地位,目前更是世界經濟中唯一一個與三大經濟集團建立聯繫的國家,歐盟加緊對墨西哥的投資與貿易,主要目的也在於使自己在與美國的競爭中處於有利地位。 因而歐盟與墨西哥開始自由貿易協議的談判,並於2000年簽署了歐墨自由協定(EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement),這是歐盟與拉美國家簽署的第一個自由貿易協定(FTA),而其也被視為是90年代以來歐盟與拉美經貿關係發展的重要里程碑,這不僅為歐洲產品進入北美市場打開了重要的通道,而且也為歐盟與拉美國家的未來發展開創了先例。因此加強與墨西哥在投資與貿易關係的聯繫及進展,可以說是歐盟革新對拉美政策的戰略之一,而且具有相當的重要性。 本論文主要以依賴理論作為分析途徑,來檢視歐盟對墨西哥發展貿易與投資行為時對墨西哥可能造成的影響與衝擊,以及是否產生依賴關係的存在。結果顯示歐盟對墨西哥不管在政治上或是經濟上,雖具有正面的促進作用,但也相對產生負面的不良影響,而這是由於雙方長久以來的結構性障礙以及不平等發展所造成的,使墨西哥落入依賴的情境之中。然而藉由與歐盟的發展,確實也有助於墨西哥平衡對美國的過度依賴,而且並未真正造成墨西哥發展遲滯,也有帶動墨西哥發展的可能性,更傾向於依賴發展論者所言的「結合依賴之發展」。


Based on geopolitical and historical consideration, the EU’s external relation development presents a hierarchical characteristic. The LA countries have never been the main targets for the EU. However, since 1990s, because of the transition in global, regional and national conditions, EU begins to strengthen the political and economic relationship with LA. Among them, Mexico is the second nation power and is the only one country that has built the connection with the three economic blocs. The main purpose for the EU stepping up the investment and trade with Mexico lies in making itself in the favorable position in the competition with USA. Therefore, European Union begins to negotiate the free trade agreement with Mexico, and signed “EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement” in 2000. It is the first free trade agreement between EU and the LA countries. It not only opened the important channel for the European products, but also set a precedent for the future development of EU and LA countries. To strengthen the connection and development with Mexico could be one of the EU’s new strategies to LA policy and have quite importance. This study uses the method of “Dependency Theory” to inspect the possibly influences and impacts between EU and Mexico, as well as whether bring out the “dependent relationship”. And the outcome shows that no matter in politics or in economy, there are positive influences as well as negative effects. This is caused by the structural obstacle and inequality development. And then make Mexico fall into the dependence situation. However, with the development with European Union, it is really helpful for Mexico to balance the over-dependence to USA. Moreover, it doesn’t cause the development sluggish and there is possibility to promote the advancement in Mexico. Consequently, it is more inclined to “associated dependent development” as the dependency development theory.




