  • 學位論文

調查國際學生跨文化效能之研究- 以來台灣就讀高等教育學生為例

A Study of Intercultural Effectiveness for International Students – An Example from Higher Education International Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡政言


近年來,由於經濟的起飛,科技的進步,縮短了國與國之間的距離。世界各國對於教育的價值愈來愈重視,在不斷進行教育改革的過程之中,學生求學途徑已經不再只是侷限於學生所屬之國籍的國家,許多學校提出了國際交換學生的計畫,此種風氣在各大專院校已蔚為風潮,因此國際學生來台的跨文化效能相關議題也更形重要。 本研究以問卷的方式進行統計檢測,問卷內容乃是引用Han(1997)的研究並加以修改而成。而本文中的跨文化能是指一種跨越文化的成功或能力,包括:溝通能力、處理心理壓力的能力、建立關係的能力、文化同理心的能力及跨文化察覺能力等五項能力。 本研究變數資料的取得是透過各校行政單位協助發放問卷而得。研究對象為來台灣就讀高等教育的國際學生,回收的有效問卷總共為182份,透過多變量(MANOVA)與單變量(ANOVA)方式進行實証分析。 本研究發現如下: 一、 人口統計變項: 國際學生的母國籍、性別、年齡、教育水準及語言能力與跨文化效能呈現顯著差異。 二、 情境變項:國際學生在台灣學習的時間、過去在母國工作的時間愈長及結交外國友人愈多其跨文化效能愈好。 最後,本研究的主要貢獻為: 提供各校在努力邁向頂尖計畫之餘多多關心國際學生以提供良好的環境,提高國際學生效能


Due to the fast growing of economic and improvement of technical, nations have become closer in recent years. Nations have attached importance to the value of education. During the process of education reforming, students not only study at their hometown but also go abroad. While many schools proposed lots of exchange programs for International students, who’s intercultural efficiency becomes very important. The quantitative research method was used in this research and the questionnaire was modified by Han’s(1997)research as the research instrument. The so-called “ICE” was a kind of intercultural success or competency, including communication competency, dealing with psychological stress, relationship building competency, cultural empathy competence and cross cultural awareness competence(Han,1997). Data were collected from paper questionnaires. The respondents were International students who study higher education in Taiwan. There were 182vaild questionnaires gathered and input into analysis. Through MANOVA and ANOVA analysis, the results showed that: 1. International students’ nationality, gender, age, education level and language ability can influence students’ intercultural efficiency. 2. There are 3 factors that influence International students’ intercultural efficiency: 1. The period they stay in Taiwan. 2. The working experience. 3. The friends they made in Taiwan. Finally, the main contribution for this study was to offer a better environment for International Students in the future.


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