  • 學位論文

孤獨的狂歡 從《戴洛維夫人》看華文意識流小說

Revelry of loneliness. The Chinese stream-of-consciousness novel- from the perspective of“Mrs. Dalloway.”

指導教授 : 趙衛民


意識流小說是西方現代主義文學運動的產物,也是一種別具一格,絕無僅有的小說樣式。它源於20世紀,孕育於哲學及心理學的溫床,脫胎於傳統小說,割掉傳統文學僵化的臍帶,通過表現人物的意識流動,展現恍惚迷離的心理世界。心理學家威廉·詹姆斯指出人的意識活動是種「流」的特質。在1884年他發表的《論內省意識流心理學所忽略的幾個問題》一文中,認爲人類的思維活動是一股切不開、斬不斷的「流水」。他說:「意識並不是片斷的連接,而是不斷流動著的。用一條『河』或者一股『流水』的比喻來表達它是最自然的了。此後,我們再說起它的時候,就把它叫做思想流、意識流或者主觀生活之流吧。」 在傳統小說中,我們會架構情節,限定時空去描述外在的人、事、物(就算是提到內心轉變,也是為補強解釋故事)。但筆者卻認同內心意識的流動,它比外在的虛華世界更精采,更真實。 本論文大至會分成三個部份去探討。 首先介紹意識流小說背景及特色,再來針對弗吉尼亞·吳爾芙的钜著《戴洛維夫人》舉證說明意識流小說的特質,最後再以華文小說劉以鬯《酒徒》,白先勇《遊園驚夢》及王蒙《春之聲》這三篇小說來分析印證。 總結以上的考察及探討,使我們認識意識流小說,並透過舉隅來闡述在中文小說中的發展。進而發現出現代主義作家對人類內心意識活動毫不畏懼的大膽描寫,及展現出的風貌。


The stream-of-consciousness novel is the product of western modernist literature movement, and it is also known as a unique novel style. It comes from the 20th century, a hotbed of philosophy and psychology, spun out of the traditional novel, and separated from the rigid traditional literature. By showing the characters' consciousness flow, it also represents the trance of the mental world. William James, a psychologist, points out that human consciousness is a "flow". In 1884, he published " A Few Problems Ignored by The Psychological Theory of The Introspection of Consciousness Stream", which argued that the human mind activity was a "flowing water" that could not be opened and chopped. He said: " Consciousness is not clip connection, it's a constant flow like 'river' or 'water'. Since then, we called it the idea flow, stream of consciousness or the flow of the subjective life." In traditional novels, we will construct the plot and limit the time and space to describe the person, the matter, and the object (sometimes we brings out the inner transformation to enhance the story). But the industry agrees with the flow of inner consciousness, which is more refined and truer than the outer virtual world. This paper is to be divided into three parts. First introduces the background and characteristics of the stream-of-consciousness novels, then to match the evidence on characteristics of the stream-of-consciousness novels with Virginia Woolf's magnum opus, Mrs. Dalloway (1925), then analyze Chinese novelist Liu Yichang (aka “The Tippler”), reference to Peony Pavilion(2001) by Pai Hsien-yung, and The Sound of The Spring(1980) by Wang Meng as the final verification.


[英]維吉尼亞.吳爾芙(Virginia Woolf)著,何磊譯《吳爾芙短篇小說選‧牆上的斑點》 (上海:上海譯文出版社) 2017年1月。
[英]維吉尼亞·伍爾夫:(Virginia Woolf)著,黃梅,劉炳善譯:《伍爾夫讀書筆記‧現代小說》(南京:譯林出版社)2016年6月。
[英]維吉尼亞·吳爾芙(Virginia Woolf)著,瞿世鏡譯:《小說與小說家》(上海:上海譯文出版社)2009年12月。
呂正惠〈現代文學主義在台灣―以文藝社會學的角度來考察〉《台灣社會研究 季刊 》1卷4期 (1988年12月)。
