  • 學位論文


A Research on Malaysia Chinese Independent Schools’Unified Examination(Senior Section)(1975-2005)

指導教授 : 黃建淳


十九世紀初葉以來,隨著大量華人的南移,私塾式的學堂在檳城、馬六甲及新加坡等地興起,其後並隨著華人的腳步推廣至今馬來西亞各地。 新式的華文學校則在1904年,由檳城的「中華學校」首開其先,其後在今馬來西亞各地興起全民辦學的熱潮,1918年新加坡的「華僑中學」創辦成功,乃使華文學校由小學而初中,由初中而高中,至1956年設立南洋大學達到最高潮。 二次大戰結束後,由於馬來人的民族主義高張,在英屬馬來半島成立的馬來亞聯合邦,處處向馬來人傾斜,華文學校開始受到不平等的等遇,尤其是自從主張一元化的《巴恩報告書》出現以後,華校歷經了一連串不平等的教育法令,幸賴華社及華教人士的堅持,終能使華文學校保存下來。 為了實施1961年的教育法令,政府應用各種手段和資源迫使華文中學改制, 在這一波行動中,華文中學幾乎全面倒地,幸賴有華團及華社人士的堅持,終能使60所華文獨中保持不墜,並經1973年發起的獨中復興運動以後,使華文中學日趨茁壯,以至於今。 在華文獨中復興運動中,成立了董教總華文獨中工委會,確立《獨中建議書》的地位,董教總領導華文獨中工委會,在政府阻撓下成功地在1975年舉辦第一屆華文獨中統一考試,以統一衡量各華文獨中的學術水準,為華文獨中畢業生的升學及就業製造有利條件。為國內外提供招生的一項學術準繩。及為社會人士提供一項徵聘人才的依據。 華文獨中的高中統一考試是由董教總獨中工委會的考試局所承辦,其對象是全體華文獨中高中畢業生,高中統考已為所有華文獨中學生所接受,其統考文憑(UEC)亦為馬來西亞國內之私立大學及學院,以及世界數百所大學承認為申請入學之之證明,獨中學生因參加統考獲得成績證明,在升學及就業方面均已獲得相當之方便。 華文獨立中學高中統考之困境,主要根源乃在於政府長久以來的一元化教育政策,而且由於華人人口比例之逐年下降,華文獨中學生人數有下降的趨勢,華人在政治上無著力點以支持華文教育等因素,使此一困境長期無法消除。 然而二十一世紀以來,由於大環境的改變,多元文化觀念被廣泛接受,更由於中國大陸和華人經濟圈的崛起,全世界掀起一片學習華語的熱潮。由於中國與東盟自由貿易區的簽訂,和馬來西亞2020宏願的推行,使華文教育得到更多發展的空間,我們發現華文教育在馬來西亞展現了令人興奮的情景。而華文獨中高中統一考試的前途也一片看好。


Since the beginning of the 19th century, followed by the migration of the Chinese people towards south, there was a rise of private schools in Penang, Melaka, and many other places in Singapore. Later on, the academic system spread everywhere in Malaysia. The new form of Chinese schools was first established in Penang. The Chinese School in Penang was the first school that started the trend of “schools for all people”. The success of The Chinese Junior High School hit the highest point among all Chinese schools, ranged from primary schools, junior high schools, high schools, to universities. The opening of Southern Pacific University in 1956 was the peak point. After the World War II, The Malaysian Union was established because of the strong belief of Malaysian’s nationalism. The Chinese schools were then treated unequally, especially after the announcement of “One for All” report. However, the persistency of Chinese supporting groups preserved the Chinese schools anyhow. In order to exercise the law of education in 1961, the government enforced the Chinese schools to change its form by using all kinds of strategies and limited resources. In this action, almost every Chinese school was demolished. Fortunately, the members of the Chinese committee still supported the Chinese culture. Furthermore, after the Malaysia Chinese Independent Schools took action in 1973, the Chinese schools have been growing even until now. In this Malaysia Chinese Independent Schools action, a committee had been proposed a proposal. The first Chinese Unified Examination was held in 1975 under the pressure from the government. The examination was to examine the academic level of Chinese, and it was also used as a guideline to determine the ability of the graduates. Also, most companies recruit people based on the examination result. The examination is organized by the exam center, the target contestants are the graduates of the Chinese schools. It is widely accepted by the students and the certification (UEC) is one of the application requirements to the universities and colleges in Malaysia and in other countries as well. Therefore, having the certificate is a easy way to get accepted by the schools and the companies. However, it is encountering some difficulties right now because of the government’s education policy and the decrease of Chinese population. The number of students enroll the Chinese schools is declining each year. The Chinese have no political background to support such beliefs results in such dilemma. In the 21 century, learning Chinese is now a big trend for all people around the world. It is believed that the transformation of the society and the idea of multi-culture have been extensively accepted. The business partnership between Mainland China and the Chinese society also gives rise to the growth of Chinese learning. On the impact of the free trade between China and the ASEAN countries with Malaysia, the improvement of Chinese education is stimulating and impressive. Not only that, the Chinese Independent Schools Unified Examination also provides opportunities to people around the world.




