  • 學位論文

消費者特性、產品特性與 品牌忠誠度關係之研究—以化妝品為例

A Study on the Relationship among Customer Characteristics,Product Charactristics and Brand Loyalty- A Case Study of Cosmetic

指導教授 : 楊維楨
共同指導教授 : 婁國仁


化妝品市場上的各種通路不斷的有新的品牌加入,在白熱化的競爭環境之下,廠商如能培養顧客的品牌忠誠度,才有永續生存之可能。了解消費者在面對眾多品牌的可選性下,是否具有品牌忠誠度,便成為化妝品業者一個極重要的課題。本研究之目的,期望能夠了解台灣化妝品市場中,消費者品牌忠誠度之概況,並探討影響化妝品品牌忠誠度的因素有哪些?進而提供化妝品業者在實務上之建議。 本研究以大台北地區20歲以上之女性消費者為研究對象,探討「消費者特性」與「產品特性」是否對消費者品牌忠誠度造成顯著影響。本研究有效樣本數總計為387份,並利用迴歸分析與變異數分析方法,來作變數之間的關係探討。 研究結果顯示: 一、在消費者特性構面中,職業、教育、婚姻狀況、購買數量與意見參與人數會顯著影響消費者之品牌忠誠度。 二、在產品特性構面中,產品屬性、產品專業信心與知覺風險皆會顯著影響消費者之品牌忠誠度。


There are many kinds of brands to accede to every channels of cosmetics. Under so fierce competitive environment, the manufacturer must train the customer's brand loyalty to have possibility of surviving continuously forever. It is an important topic to manufacturers to understand customers have brand loyalty or not under many choicies of brands. The purpose of this study is to understand the general situation of consumer brand loyalty in Taiwan cosmetic market .The study is also intended to explore the factors that influence consumer’s brand loyalty of cosmetic, and to propose practical suggestions to the cosmetic industry. The consumers who are female customers over 20 in Taipei are subjects of interest. Whether consumer characteristics and product characteristics influence consumer brand loyalty was investigated. The study collected 387 valid questionnaires. Regression analysis and variance analysis were adopted to verify the hypotheses. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Among consumer characteristics, career, education, marital status, purchase frequency and the number of opinion participants significantly influence consumer brand loyalty. 2. Among product characteristics, product attributes,product specialty confidence and perceived risk have significant influence on consumer brand loyalty.


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