  • 學位論文


How to Use Web Keywords Searching to Promote and Assess the Performance of Government Policies

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


現今,除了一般企業需要行銷策略之外,政府機關在推行政策時,也越來越需要透過軟性行銷的說服方式改變民眾行為,相較於強制施行政策,政府利用此方式不僅可以降低政府付出監控人民的成本,也可以達到人民內心認同政策進而自願長久性遵守政策目的。 本研究主要在探討政府政策的行銷推廣活動效益。由於日前紀錄片「看見台灣」喚起全台灣人民對台灣環境保護議題的重視,因此本研究以某政府財團法人組織推廣新能源政策為研究對象。研究方法上,以行銷傳播效果模型裡知覺階段中的媒體曝光數與人民注意程度為衡量標準,以事後觀點,探討民眾知曉的程度,藉由觀察關鍵字排名變化、搜尋筆數變化,及配合Google AdWords關鍵字廣告系統的對關鍵字的效益分析,綜合以上比較,推論出此政府政策的整體推廣效益。 研究發現,有些議題適合利用實體推廣活動宣揚,有些則較適合藉由網路活動來散播概念,但整體而言,政府藉由推廣活動傳達相關環境保護知識給民眾在網路聲量上的知曉度與關注度效益是不明顯的,有些活動甚至沒有產生任何效果。另外,研究也發現,人民並不會對所有宣揚概念全然接受,僅會特別關心其中某些部分,例如:再生能源領域中,民眾最為關注再生能源能否全面取代核電,因此,建議政府機關爾後在推廣再生能源相關活動時,可以從民眾最為關心的部分出發,形成話題或議題,進而引起廣泛民眾注意,如此一來,會使得政府政策進行行銷活動時,績效成果更佳。


Nowadays, the marketing strategies are not only used for the corporates but also for the government. When the government promotes the policies, it gradually needs softly methods to influence citizens’ behaviors such as persuasion, instead of the compulsive implementation. In that way, citizens agree the policies mentally and further abide by them in the long term and meanwhile it can decrease the cost of supervision for the government. This research mainly explores the performance of the government policies. Due to the movie, named Beyond Beauty, it raises Taiwanese awareness of environmental issues. In this study, it uses the exposure and attention as standards, in the perception phase of the Effect of Integrated Marketing Communication model, to investigate the extent of awareness about the environmentally friendly policy instituted by an official government organization, which is the research target. There are three methods: 1.) Observe the changes of the rank of keywords searching 2.) Observe the changes of the number of keywords searching and 3.) Operate Google AdWords online system. Finally, based on the collective data, the whole performance of the policy executed by the research target is inferred. The research has shown that some activities are more appropriate than others to promote the core idea by physical channels. However, the whole activities did not perform apparently online, or even no effect existed. Besides, the research also has found that citizen will not accept the entire concept conveyed, that is, they will only accept what they are concerned about. For example, in the recyclable energy filed, the most important topic for citizen is that whether the nuclear energy can be replaced by the recyclable energies or not. Therefore, in the future, while the official government spreads the related topics, it can be started from what the citizens’ care about, and then formed a popular topic to attract them. It could easily achieve a good performance.


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