  • 學位論文


A Study of Usage Intention Towards Cross-Border E-Commerce Platform-A Perspective of TPB Model

指導教授 : 張俊惠


隨著科技日新月異,海外跨境購物己成為現代購物趨勢,跨境電商的盛行更是席捲全球。近年各國零售業者及知名品牌網站,皆以透過跨境的方式紛紛搶進跨境電商市場,因此,本研究以計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior)為基礎,探討台灣跨境電商市場中,消費者的「主觀規範」、「態度」、及「知覺行為控制」對於「使用意圖」之影響,以及消費者對跨境電商平台的使用意圖形成過程中,態度所扮演的關鍵角色為何。 本研究針對研究對象進行網路問卷的施測,使用LISREL進行SEM分析,並驗證本研究模型與相關假說,得知以下結論: 一、消費者對跨境電商平台之主觀規範,顯著影響消費者之使用意圖,而主觀規範亦會透過態度強化使用意圖的形成。 二、另外,消費者使用跨境電商平台之知覺行為控制,也會顯著影響其使用意圖的形成。 建議跨境電商平台業者可以善用社群媒體的影響力,使消費者感覺認為使用該網站是好主意、好點子,網站操作一點也不困難,藉以提升消費者的使用意圖。


International cross-border shopping is becoming a new trend as it has been driven by technology innovations.The blooming of cross-border eCommerce is making huge influense worldwide.In the recent years retailers and popular brands all over the places have expanded the operations in the e-commerce. Hence with the theory of Theory of Planned Behavior as the basis, this study has taken an in-depth look into aspects of cross boarder e-commerce, consumers's Subjective Norm, attitudes and Perceived Behavioral Control towards the influence of usage intention in Taiwan. Moreover how the attitudes of consumer plays a instrumental role in the formation of the usage intention over the e-commerce has also been thoroughly looked at. This study used LISREL and SPSS to analysis, and there are some findings from the research: 1. In Taiwan’s e-Commerce market based off Subjective Norm, attitudes and Perceived Behavioral Control towards impact on the intention to use e-Commerce shopping. 2. Attitudes of consumer plays a instrumental role in the formation of the usage intention over the e-commerce has mediation effect. According to the results, Subjective Norm, attitudes and Perceived Behavioral Control of use is the key for influence consumer usage intention.


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