  • 學位論文


Sino-American Cyber Security Relationship Dynamics During Obama Administration

指導教授 : 李大中


本研究探討歐巴馬政府時期美中兩國出現網路戰的可能,本論文的首要研究問題為美中間高頻率的網路衝突,是否可能增加網路戰的機率?為回答此問題,本論文採用溫特(Alexander Wendt)在「國際政治的社會理論」 (Social Theory of International Politics)一書中的認同、自利、意圖等概念,本書第二章與第三章依據上述概念,分析美中雙方的戰略思考與網路衝突行為,根據兩份國際網路實力的評估指標,本論文指出頻繁的網路攻擊次數,並不代表真實的網路能力,研究證據顯示,面對網路衝突,美中雙方呈現非傳統的合作模式,本論文獲致的重要結論,大國間網路安全關係的本質,在於互賴及自我克制,而非以攻擊等挑釁作為摧毀對手。   本論文的第二項研究問題在於,美中在網路安全問題上雖有摩擦,但兩國是否有合作的可能?習近平提倡所謂的網路主權觀,而歐巴馬則主張、開放、自由與相互操作的全球網路體系,雙方針鋒相對。習近平的政策以國家為核心,從上至下掌控資訊流動,但美國的政策卻強調從下而上,透過鼓勵私部門、公民相互合作的夥伴關係,促進網路的發展。美中兩國在網路防護與科技的發展上相互競爭,從歷史觀之,兩國關係看似充滿衝突,但基於實際證據,再加上溫特互賴、共同命運、自我克制等觀念的解釋,本論文認為美中在網路安全上的合作,不僅必要也是可能的。在歐巴馬結束總統任期後,因為川普政府在亞洲政策上的不明朗,故外界產生不確定性與疑慮,本論文提供決策者相關的政策建議,期能將美中危險的網路安全關係導向和平之路。


China challenges U.S. dominance in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) raised fear that a high severity, total cyber warfare between major powers is imminent. This concern propels this research to explore the likelihood of U.S.-China total cyber warfare during Obama Administration. In Chapters 2 and 3, thesis applied theoretical approach of Social Theory of International Politics by Alexander Wendt. The concepts of identity, self-interest and intention are salient in analysis of U.S. and China strategic thinking and state cyber conflict behavior. Data from two global cyber power indexes provided credible evidence to confirm the frequency of cyber attacks does not represent true cyber capabilities. Empirical evidence from ten year study showed unconventional cooperative U.S.-China pattern of cyber conflict response marked by tolerance and restraint. Another research motivation is to explore the possibility of U.S.-China cyber collaboration given the traditional rivalry. The fundamental ideological difference of Xi proposed “Internet Sovereignty”, a state-centric, top-down control model is in contrast with American policy of “an open, free and interoperable global Internet” reinforced by a bottom-up, collaborative multi-stakeholder model. As China continues to compete with U.S. in future development of future “hacker-free” Quantum Global Network, history showed power transitions are fraught with conflict and war. Based on empirical evidence and application of Wendt’s Master variables of interdependency, common fate, and self-restraint in Chapter 4, thesis argues U.S.-China cyber collaboration is necessary and possible to avoid the Thucydides Trap. As Obama Presidency ends, uncertainty and fear arises from the ambiguity of Trump Administration foreign policy in Asia. The goal of the proposed recommendations in Chapter 5 is to direct foreign policy makers down a peaceful path in managing the precarious Sino-American cyber security relationship.


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