  • 學位論文


The possibility of exploration of South China sea issue and Cross-Straits.

指導教授 : 林若雩


南中國海主權爭議問題存在已久,因其特殊的地理環境與政治背景,包含台灣、中國、菲律賓、越南、馬來西亞和汶萊均對該區域宣稱擁有部分南海群島或者海域主權。在1970年代以後,南海問題因周邊國家島嶼主權、海域管轄權以及海洋資源,包含該區域漁獲、石油與天然氣等,發生了多次衝突。 隨著冷戰結束,亞太地區逐漸走向區域多邊主義,東協組織的對話功能逐漸受到區域內國家的青睞,兩岸雖並非東協組織的會員國,但都積極尋求對話交流管道,中國在1990年後,睦鄰外交成為其外交政策主軸,與東協國家也大幅改善關係,並且在1994年成為「東協區域論壇」的一員;台灣雖然受到種種政治因素而無法參與,也藉由1991年起每年在印尼召開的「南海潛在衝突會議」的非官方機制來表述意見。2002年東協與中國在柬埔寨金邊共同簽署「南海各方行為宣言」,雖不具備國際法的法律效力,但已經凸顯在多邊機制下的豐碩成果。2010年美國高調的「重返亞洲」立場,更是牽動近幾年來,整個南海問題的錯綜複雜。 本文以互賴理論為理論架構,討論兩岸在過去南海問題上的歷史背景與實際作為,再從兩岸於一軌與二軌外交 (官方與非官方)機制上的相互競賽,並輔以東協聲索國的主張依據與聲明,做綜合性的整合,最後提出兩岸對於南海問題可能的處理機制。


The disputes of South China Sea sovereignty have existed for a long time, because of its special geographical environment and political background. Taiwan, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei each country claims to own some parts of South China Sea islands or sovereignty of the marine belt. After 1970's, the South China Sea sovereignty disputes of neighboring countries, the sea area jurisdictions and marine resources, contained the region of fishery harvest, petroleum and natural gas. After the end of Cold war, the Asia Pacific region heads has been getting region Multilateralism gradually. The dialogue function of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) was to favor of countries in the region. Although China and Taiwan are not the member states of ASEAN, they still actively keep looking for dialogue channels of multilateral communication. China joined the ASEAN Regional Forum(ARF) in 1994. In 2010,The United States pivot to Asia seemed likely towards a high-profile position, the affect between the claimants is more complicated in the South China Sea issues that the past ten years. Firstly, this thesis adopts interdependence theory as it’s theoretical framework, and it also discusses the historical background and actual achievement of Cross-Straits on the South China Sea issues. Secondly, the Cross-Straits relations has engaged in both track one and two diplomacy (official and unofficial) of the mechanism. Thirdly, it discuses supplemented basis and declaration of the ASEAN all the claimants, and makes the comprehensive integration. Finally, it presents a possible handling mechanism of the two sides across the Cross-Straits of the South China Sea issues.


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