  • 學位論文


Numerical Modeling of Waves and Currents in Dongsha Atoll

指導教授 : 蘇仕峯




東沙環礁 波浪 水流 NearCoM 風作用力


Dongsha Atoll is located in the northern of the South China Sea. Because of its location at paths of typhoons, effects of violent waves on the reef are significant. Waves inside the atoll lagoon are not energetic because offshore waves are sheltered by the atoll reef. However, field observations have indicated that wave energy in the lagoon is considerable. The aim of this study is to understand wave characteristics in the atoll lagoon with wind forcing. A wave-current coupling model, NearCoM, is used to simulate waves and currents on the atoll. Two important physical parameters for wave breaking and bottom friction are calibrated by available field observations. With calibration, wave and current fields are studied by the model experiments with and without wind forcing. Characteristics of waves and currents in different wind directions are studied as well. Model results show that the generation of lagoon waves is depend on the length of fetch inside the lagoon. Developing waves are significant in the atoll lagoon. Additionally, wind forcing increases the speed of currents and generates circulations. Lagoon water exchange with sea through the two reef channels. Wind forcing could increase the water exchange processes.


Dongsha Atoll Waves Currents Wind forcing NearCoM


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