  • 學位論文


Japan's EPA Strategies In East Asia Regional Economic Integration

指導教授 : 任燿廷


近年來,在全球化及區域化的潮流下,及GATT/WTO在推動貿易自由化觸礁,因此,促成自由貿易協定及區域經濟整合的興起。 東亞的區域經濟整合在2000年之後急遽增加的原因,是受到歐盟(EU)東擴及北美自由貿易協定(NAFTA)積極整合的競爭壓力及中國在加入東亞產業分工體系後,經濟快速成長,並積極加速推動東亞區域內的整合。東亞各國為了避免被排除在區域經濟整合之外,帶來不利的影響,因此積極地與各國簽訂不同於FTA內容的自由貿易協定,來推動貿易的自由化。 而在東亞一直扮演重要角色的日本,在東亞建構了區域的產業分工網絡,帶動整個東亞的經濟成長,成為世界經貿的發展重心。本研究主要了解東協、及中、日、韓各國在貿易自由化的發展動向;並探討日本在東亞發展多邊化之區域整合的策略、沿革及未來發展方向,在國際貿易多變的環境下,必須面對的問題。 面對無法參與經濟整合的台灣,應積極思考新的策略、拓展商機,來維持台灣的國際競爭力。


In recent years, upon the tide of globalization and regionalization and the failure of GATT/WTO’s trade liberalization efforts, Free Trade Agreement and Regional Economic Integration were encouraged. There are several reasons for the increased regional economic integration in East Asia after 2000. The EU is expanding toward the East Europe, while the NAFTA in North America created competitive pressure. China has entered industry cooperation in East Asia and has eagerly promoted integration in the region. In order not to be exempt out of the regional integration, East Asian countries are eager to sign free trade agreements with other countries to promote trade liberation. Japan has always been a key factor in the industry cooperation system in East Asia. The growth of East Asian economy has put this region in the center stage in the world economic development. The objective of this research is to summarize the development direction of free trade in Asean countries, China, Japan and Korea. The Multilateralisation of development history and regional integration strategies of Japan in East Asia has been studied. Under the changing trade environment, the future development direction and difficulties were also studied. Taiwan, while not able to join the regional economic integration, has to rethink new strategies, develop new business opportunities, to maintain the international competitiveness.


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